Daily Food Journals- Terrific Tuesday!
Beth, Today is going to be better on my eating..hopefully.
B- protien shake
L- not sure yet.
D- Chicken in crockpot, a couple bites of mashed potatoes, with gravy, a couple bites of green bean casserole. (This is all left over except chicken from Sunday)
Congrats on your scale moving down!!!!!
Beth...help!!!!!!!!! The PMS monster has reared it ugly head again...just before halloween!!! So we have candy on hand!!!! Ahhhh! I ate a bite size butter finger. It was soooooooo good. So later I had another and it put me into 1 hour of puking! serves me right.
Now flame me and tell me I'm stronger than this monster!
Hi Rachel. I think you have been punished enough. Now go give yourself a hug and have a good new beginning. I wish eating bad foods made me puke! It just makes me gain weight! Hmmm. Maybe that is as good as puking! We can do this, and I too will be so relieved when Halloween is over!
Foods so far:
B: 1 small piece coffee cake and hot tea
S: 1/2 Premier double chocolate crunch protein bar & 8 oz. skinny decaf mocha
L: 8 oz. cherry yogurt (light, fat free)
S: coffee candy - 1 piece, 7 mini carmel rice cakes. I KNOW. NOT GOOD CHOICES, BUT I'M TRYING TO BE HONEST HERE!
Dinner is at church: don't know what's on the menu.
I don't know what I'm having for a snack. I don't eat after 8 p.m., but I allow myself sugar free popsicles and low calorie drinks.
10 oz. water. Need to increase it!