Increase metabolism naturally to speed fat loss (Article)
-This is interesting.... looking for information online, thought I'd share!
*Increase metabolism naturally to speed fat loss*
Increasing the metabolism is the fastest way to permanent weight loss, a lowered metabolism is very often the reason weight loss progress grinds to a sudden halt. When weight loss slows a dieter may reduce food intake further, however progress is still slow because a net loss of protein continues to lower the metabolism.
Effective fat loss cannot occur when the metabolism is low!
Its a physiological fact that when losing weight we also lose protein from muscle. The faster the weight loss the more protein is used for energy and/or protein synthesis and a net loss of protein will always decrease the metabolism.
As protein is lost from cells it gradually lowers the total lean body weight, this affects the body composition and lowers the metabolism. As this occurs it means we gradually require less calories to maintain weight so if the present diet is continued results will eventually stop, its even possible to slowly GAIN back weight that was previously lost!
Increase the metabolism for less chance of water weight loss!
If more protein is lost more water is also lost because protein holds four times its weight in water. Think about if a person lost 5 pounds in a week, that would require an extra 17500 calories so how could all this weight possibly be fat. In fact over a week only about 1 pound of the 5 pounds lost would be fat, the rest would be mostly water!
Protein and its fluid replacement is the main reason many dieters regain weight after a diet. Again think about if someone regained 4 pounds in a week then does it mean that person has eaten an extra 14000 calories?
Increasing the metabolism means the body has a reason to hold onto protein thus less water is lost.
Even if more exercise is undertaken a net loss of protein can occur if calorie intake is low.
Remember dieters reduce their calorie intake but exercise uses extra carbs so the body must breakdown extra protein to convert into carbohydrates. More carbs are needed because a less fit individual often has an untrained cardiovascular system and cannot supply enough oxygen for cells to burn fat for energy during the exercise. Also if no exercise is performed the body has no need to use extra body fat because so little energy is required when inactive.
Exercise can increase metabolism but the trick for the unfit person is to perform the correct exercise and not cut calories too much too soon. To lose FAT weight fast the best way is to prepare the body by increasing the metabolism BEFORE cutting any calories. That way your body can establi****s fat burning energy metabolism without resorting to protein metabolism first.

Fear of a low metabolism prompted me to go to a body analyst before my Lap RNY.
He said that in order to maintain a healthy metabolism and lean body mass that daily exercise was the key. I groaned and said "eew. the Gym every day?" He replied, "Nope, just 30 minutes of walking every day. It doesn't even have to be 30 minutes in a row. If you do that you'll lose the majority of your weight in fat rather than muscle."
Well, I did what he said. And I am proud to say that I have maintained my metabolism. I lost 73% of my weight in fat loss so far, and just 26% in lean mass. The full results are all in my journal.
Best wishes to all,
thanks Beth for posting this and if i understand this correctly, i can now maybe take a different point of view on being a slow loser maybe it's not so bad after all. if i'm understanding this right? give me your opinion cause it was one of those articles i had to read out loud (kind of a hard follow) but from what i gathered that it's good to lose slow b/c your probably losing the right stuff vs. losing so rapidly. which makes sense b/c my dr. did say losing no more than 2 1/2-3 pounds a week is good. correct me if i'm wrong about the interpretation of this artical. God bls