Donna, isnt that great! I went through the same thing...ecept I thought...hey I'm gonna buy me some sexy undies..You no the type..BUTTLESS. All my svelt girlfriends have been bragging about them for years, so I thought I'll give them a try. I bought several different kinds
T-back, Y-back..all buttless. I even bought different kinds of fabric just to make sure I got a comfortable kind. Well let me tell you..THERE AWFUL! I hate every single one of them. They feel like sand paper in the crack. I feel half naked, and I just can't get used to them. Everyone says I will get used to the FEEL, but I don't think I can wear them long enough too get used to them. Nope doesn't make this gal feel sexy...makes me feel itchy, uncomfortable, awful. I think I'll go bck to my granny panties, with a high cut leg. hehe

Thongs don't help either, because they sit right on my tailbone. My tailbone is SO exposed now, and very tender.
I'm loving vickie's secret Hicut briefs - I have to keep the cotton to keep the yeast monster at bay. (I can't WAIT to be at my goal weight and stable so I can get my Panni)
I am so glad this came up....now that I have lost weight, it is SO hard to get comfortable while sitting...my butt starts to hurt after a while....I have a one-hour, each way, commute to work. The morning trip is not so bad, but by the afternoon drive, my bottom hurts!! I guess the bones are just not used to touching the seat.
Hopefully, as time goes by, it will improve.