Anyone else feel hungry?
Are you drinking too soon after eating? Try some denser protein also. Maybe the peanuts aren't working for you as a snack - I would like to suggest some string cheese and/or beef jerky. Peanuts are too snacky for me. Just a suggestion. Our appetites are expected to increase long about now so it's a question of really using our tool.
Yep - mine is back with a vengence. I'm trying to find filling snacks. Once thing that has helped is to take 3/4 cup rice crispy cereal, add some Splenda to it, add a scoop of protein and 4 ounces of carb countdown milk. I've had this about 9:00 and this seems to fill me up until lunchtime. It's really becoming a struggle, but know I have to find healthy choices to keep me from making bad choices.
yea i noticed that my appetite picked up a couple of weeks ago. i caught myself eatting some wheat crackers and before i knew it i ate about 12 ritz size crackers. omg i'm like i'm back to my old self. i got so scared but i haven't did it since. i've been tring to monitor myself. but yes i have noticed my appetite picked up but this also correct according to all the info. i've read about the six month. Take care. God bless
I have always been hungry. My nutritionist recommends six small meals or snacks a day. I eat at 8, 10, 1, 4, 6 and 8 or 9. Try to pick high protein items like cottage cheese and peanuts. It keeps your hunger from getting out of control and keeps your metabolism going.
Make sure you are not eating high calorie junk food. Sounds like you are doing just fine.
Hi Aimee
Yes I too am feeling it, but it only seems to be when I go past my 5 hour mark for meals. What really helps me is to not drink anything after I have eaten until 1.5 hours later. I have also found for me my cottage cheese does not satisfy me for very long. I agree with Ruth, try some denser proteins and see if this helps.
Take care Aimee and I hope that you are able to figure this out.
:::raising hand::::
I'm always "hungry"... I don't know if it's physical or mental though. I am a grazer, and it's awful... I'm always eating "just a bite" of something... granted I try to make good choices, but I am allowing some awful things in my mouth! (Who knew I'd even attempt an OREO??!! )
Also, I drink my liquids exactly 1/2 hour after eating, which was the recommendation I got.... or otherwise I'd be totally dehydrated, waiting 1.5 hours I'd never drink--- I'm hungry every 3 hours!!
I found that meat, beef jerky, and my "girlfriends' booty" snack help... and if desperate just for a taste of something... a green veggie...
**Raising hand**
I've had appitite since my first week out. Learning to tell the difference between Head hunger, Stress eating, Thirst response and actual bonified Hunger was QUITE the challenge. What I do is I take a moment's pause before I eat. Ask myself - WHY do I want this, and what will this food give me. If I know that I am eating out of nerves - no dice I don't eat, I distract myself. If I should be full I'll do some waterloading - give it 20-30 minutes and see if I'm still hungry. If I feel hungry after that I'll eat. I am careful to analyze what I am going to put in my mouth. If I am craving sweet, and have been relatively good calorically that day I'll have a SF sweet treat, or better yet Fruit. If I haven't had much fiber or carb I'll have some popcorn. If I am just HUNGRY Hungry, and I skipped a meal in my day, I'll eat a meal-size portion. My body needs calories, and if I am skipping meals then I am starving myself unnecessarily.
If I haven't got in my 64oz of water I always feel hungry.
If I have eaten liquid foods (soup) I always feel hungry.
If I don't eat protein first (have the lettuce of the salad before my meal, instead of eating the chicken breast out of the salad first) I always feel hungry.
If I eat carb early in my day I will always feel hungry.
I try not to let those things listed above happen very often. I don't like feeling hungry. I get crabby and shaky. I try to eat regular meals 5 hours apart and if I need to snack ensure it's protein or a healty fiber snack.
I hope this helps.