Can you see the loss?
Hi Sissy,
this is VERY normal! I feel this way all the time. then I pass by a mirror or see my reflection and wow who's that?! or i squeeze into a small space to get to something and WOW...six months ago I could have never done that!
I just had my 6 mo appt. and had to go see psych. because now is the time that they worry about eating disorders developing. because of mind/body perspective.
The other thing I noticed is people keep telling me I don't need to loose anymore. (mostly from my mother-in-law...who says she's starting to get worried...) I was talking to my mom and she thought that it is also that way for family and friends.....I have lost 98lbs in 6 mo. and people aren't used to the huge change...hope that makes since.
My Dr. says ignore them he'd be ok if I lost another 20 lbs
no words of advice.....except your totally normal as the rest of us

Sissy, you look great! Congrats! It really does take time to catch up with ourselves. I'm still comparing myself to others I see and wondering if I am bigger/smaller than they are. I just can't see myself the way others do, but I'm beginning to. I really like what Rachel wrote. I do the same thing. I stand in front of the mirror and really study my body. I am beginning to accept and like the new me.
Take care, and just listen to what your doctor has to say about your weight. Doctors do know best even though our relatives think they do!

Sissy, you may not see it in you! but I sure do! I know what you mean though. I am starting to see it now though. I really have to do some serious mirror time though. My psychologist has me looking in the mirror (stark naked) every day until I can look without saying (or thinking)anything negative. It seems to be working. I can see a jawbone now, clavical, there's a bit of a curve to my waist, room between my thighs. Give it a try!