TERRIBLE eating day for me!!
And I am miserable right now.
This A.M. began with a cup of coffe
my usual fuzzy navel nectar with crystalite.
L-5 tsp of buffalo burger that had tomatoes, little pieces of potato, green peppers
S 1/3 cup soy nuts
S cup of SF spiced chai
another snack of about 5 carrot sticks
another snack of about 2 handfuls of popcorn
carrots again
(The above snacks were not in one sitting, this was spread out through the day)
Now my little tummy feels bad, my own fault. Oh and I had One carb plus dip with the carrots.
Shame on me
Of course I knew better before I ate anything, oh weekends are so hard for me.
Anyway just a reminder to you all, stay on track, don't graze and stick to your menu(if it's healthy)
Or you will feel like I am feeling now, yucky to my tummy and ashamed.
Good Night all