First one here!!
I've always wanted to be the first to post for the day!
GOOD MORNING!! How is everyone's Saturday starting out?
I'm up because I'm used to running every morning at 6am--that's so different from 7 months ago!
I would have been hard pressed to even get out of bed on a Saturday then.
Anyone else have a totally different lifestyle because of this surgery?
What's everyone doing this weekend?
I'm taking care of chores today and then playing pool with my friend tomorrow night in downtown Nashville.
Have a good one!!
Erin in Nashville

Hi Erin
If your the 1st I'm the second, but second doesn't count, does it...
So what am I doing this weekend? I am going to a neighboring town to look at a dirt bike for the family, then off to another neighboring town to look for some clothes.
Yes my lifestyle has changed, I can't sleep in as late anymore. Today is Saturday and I was awake at 5:45 A.M. Even last weekend I tried to sleep in and I made it to 8:00. Running...good for you. I really want to do that, but have not made it yet. My right leg is giving me some problems. However I am still excercising, I make sure that I make time to excercise. Before it was easy to make excuses not to excercise, not now.
Have a great weekend!