What are you eating today (Friday) ?
Good morning ladies! (I haven't noticed many guys lurking around here, though I know there are some!!!) Get out of the shadows and post, would ya??
So- what are you eating today? Anybody going out tonight?
For me,
Carb Countdown Yogurt Smoothie
Weight loss has stalled for the moment...

Hi all, let's coax those men out.
So come on guys let's here from you too.
Today I am off from work so I am unscheduled which makes it tough for my daily menu.
Anyway so far a cup of coffe, I should be eating my cereal but.....
I'll come up with something later
P.S. No I don't plan on going out for dinner tonight, DH gets in late, so maybe tomorrow night we'll go out.
lets see this is my frist time on this board ....
i had some anamila crackers and peanuts
i am not sure since i thought i was going out to eat
Sasauge and rice i think ( very little rice for me )
Snacks ....cheese and lunch meat !!!
I know i am not the good one that can avoid all carbs i need some ...but i am doing good at keeping them under controle !!!
Down 70 as of oct 1

this is a good thing. i think i will begin to participate in this more often to keep myself on trac. to make sure i'm not eatting too much. and as of now i'm glad to say i think i'm with everyone else.
bf-half of left over ground turkey patty plain/no bun (off to work)
hour later
-start my first 32oz of pure water/ 8oz coffee (always drink together to dilute coffee if i drink it)
-snack other half of ground turkey patty
hour later
-start second 32oz water which i'm drinking now/ decaf tea/w splenda
-lunch is likely to be 3oz. beef (steak like)
-maybe small apple (once i'm home from work chewed only, not swallowed, if that makes in difference in caloric intake, or is the calories in the juice?
-dinner i'm planning meat loaf(me), veggies, mashed potatoes for family
-snack (if necessary) another chewed only apple
tell me what you think i'm i ok? boy i like this i'm going to faithly post everyday

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a great day
Well, let's see for Breakfast=NOTHING
Lunch= 4 bites of Cashew chicken (very litle rice)
half cup of egg drop soup, and the bottom of a crab rangoon(cream cheese part)
Supper=a few bites of a salsbarry steak tv dinner or maybe some spegetti.
I have a VERY hard time getting in my water. This is very frustrating to me.

My day- I've been a good GOOD girl (by my standards!)
Carb Countdown Strawberry Smoothie
Coffee with light cream & Splenda
Body Choice High Protein Shake Cappuccino Flavor
Girlfriends' Booty
Few bites of cheesy rice
One bite cheese/cauliflower
One bite roast beef
24 oz of decaf iced coffee & espresso
Shot SF vanilla
Light Cream
If I am hungry later, I may have some Hi-Lo cereal or something...
534 24 30 46
CW 179, hoping to see a loss tommorrow, but not gonna happen..

Good Evening Beth!
BF: Can of Minute Maid Lemonade (NAUGHTY LARA!)
Another can of lemonade
Lu: More of the Olive Garden from Thursday's lunchie - Chicken Breast, Noodles with alfredo sauce, broccoli. - Almost caused a dumping from the fat.
Sn: Strolling through Costco - 4 samples (raisin bran minus the rasins, some flax seed drink - BLEH), Sammitch rolls, nibble off of a protein bar - BLEAH!)
4 glasses Water with Lime
Dn: Olive Garden
Went to a pre-op friend's final Fatty Feast! (she has her RNY on Monday and will be going to liquids). Glass of 2% milk, Chicken & Broccoli kids meal - this time got the whole wheat pasta (all 2 noodles I ate), marinara sauce (MUCH nicer in the pouch), ate almost HALF of the chicken breast (1.5 oz), couple bites of broccoli, and couple bites of salad. Also licked my finger and took the garlic salt off of a breadstick. MMmmmmso garlicky. Had some SF brownie I made last night for dessert. Not that bad, but not that good either. Is chocolatey!
Sn: Going to a movie tonight - Team America World Police (I AM SO EXCITED!) Will probably get in 2 cans of minute maid, some sf caramels and or sf chocolate covered almonds, and hopefully (and if nothing else) some popcorn. (I need fiber!)
Huggles to all
PS - Beth, I've been losing and gaining the same 4 lbs for about 2.5 weeks now, I feel your pain.
-160 or -164 depending on the whim of the scale.

I made the mistake of standing on a different scale- which weighed me differently... UGH. I've got a standard doc's scale with I faithfully weigh in on every single morning, and this other digital one that I was too heavy for ... I dragged it out to see if the body fat composition thingie worked.... and it made me heavier.
Screw it. I'm just stucked at 179, this is the way it always happens... I get to the 9's --- and stick! I'm making changes, again... I'm cutting my fat intake WAY down... and eating more lean protein.
-134 and stucked, not for long............ HA HA!!