What did you eat today (Thursday) ?
Post here! What did you eat today?
I had:
Rice Krispies 0.25 cup
Milk, cow's, fluid, whole 0.5 fl oz
Cream, light, fluid 1 fl oz
Carb Countdown Strawberry Smoothie 1 serving
Girlfriends' Booty 1.5 serving 180 7 12 18
Cheese, natural, Cheddar or American type 0.25 cup, melted
Beans, small white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 0.25 cup
Olive oil 0.25 tablespoon
Total Calories 711
Fat 40
Carbs 36
Protein 52
This is actually a little low- I had more cream in another cup of coffee, cauliflower... and a few more bites of the booty

B- Protein Shake
L- arghhhhh! I skipped it 'cause I was out-and-about all day
D- 4 small grilled shrimp and 1 thin slice of pork tenderloin
Late-Nite Snack- Qsmart bar and a chunk of cheddar cheese
I totally missed my water goal for the day, but I think I just made my 60 grams of protein.......but only because I just ate a couple late-nite high protein snacks.......and I HATE eating this late, but what can you do?

started 32oz water/8oz. coffee with splenda/powdered cream
-bf baked chick leg w/dab bb sauce
-hour later started second 32oz of water/decaf tea
-lunch chick leg/dab bb sauce
-snack one wheat cracker w/ dallop peanut butter
-hour later started more water
-home had small chewed only apple
-dinner one an half ground turkey patty w/ small apple chewed only