Still obviously not getting in enough water or any liquids for that matter, passed ANOTHER kidney stone friday night/saturday (that's 2 since surgery 6 months ago) ... ended up in the emergency room because i could hardly stand or walk, really thought i was going to pass out from the pain this time. I swear, I'm going to start naming them, and claiming them as dependants on my taxes, this much pain i should get SOMETHING out of it..
Glad i can laugh now, but i went Thursday for my 6 month follow up and my surgeon asked "have you had any more problems with kidney stones" she jinxed me, i had forgotten about the last one and then less than 48 hrs after, i'm in the ER.
The triage nurse in the ER asked about medical backround, and although i could barely speak from this incredible amount of pain, i did manage to let her know i had gastric bypass 6 months ago. well, she also had the surgery done, and now wanted to chit chat about how much weight i've lost, where i went for surgery ect ect... I guess she didnt notice i was shades of white and green from being in pain and nauseaus, i told her i knew i was passing a kidney stone because this is the 3rd one i've had in my life, she should have understood the amt of pain i was in.. so i started to attempt to answer her, notice i said ATTEMPT, i didnt get many words out before i threw up, almost on her!!! and you know, she didnt even skip a beat, she reached behind her, grabbed an emesis basin, passed it to me, and continued on about her surgery 1 yr ago, and where she went for it. all i can do now is laugh, but at the time i thought this was some kind of evil torture.
Moral of this long annoying story..... DRINK YOUR DAMN WATER!!! (now i just have to be sure i take my own advice) ~Kim

Hi Kim
I have never had a Kidney Stone. From the sound of your experience I hope that I never get one.
Your story did give me a little giggle today though. I know it wasn't funny at the time but I can just see the whole picture, you gave a good visual.
I hope that you are feeling better now and you don't have this again.