Calories, Fat, Protein, Carbs...Question 1
my Dr. didn't really give me any guide lines, execpt to try and get 52g of protien a day. My Dietition basically said at this point in time as long as i'm still losing i'm doing well.
I try to eat no less then 800 cal a day, but no more than 1000. I try to stay under 10g of suger in a meal. and watch my fat intake.
I track everything on fitday.
I have my 6 month appt. on Wed. so we'll see what changes we make.
I do have to do something about my Iron i can't get it above 10.9 (normal is 12-14) and I get SO tired out!
How about you Beth, what are your goals?
I really don't have goals, that's why I put the question out there... I wanted to see if what I am doing was normal...for this stage
The only things I try to do as of right now are, #1- 50 G protein daily & 64 oz. decaf liquid. Honestly I don't reach both of *those goals enough.
As for anything else, I keep my sugars under 15 G per serving, and I limit foods with "sugar alcohol" as they make me SICK!!
I also don't follow my doc's "rules"--- I have a hard time eating three meals and getting in enough anything.. I really need to split it up...
Oh, and I don't drink with meals, of course... I try to wait at least 1/2 hr after eating to star****er loading... that's my biggest thing right now, trying to drink more, and more....

I track everything in fitday but I'm moving to b/c it seems like an easier/better system.
I eat about 1100 cals per day - trying to get 60g of protein (which is getting a little easier). I don't really worry about carbs or fat grams. I don't follow low-carb b/c my nutritionist believes that we need all the food groups. I do follow low sugar - no more than 5-7g per meal.
I try to eat 6 small meals per day but it usually ends up being 5 per day.
I have to write everything down. It's the only way I can be accountable to myself.
I try to get protein and a small amount of carbs in at each meal.
I try to get in 64 oz of decaf liq everyday but that's my biggest struggle. I usually get about 40 oz. in so I'm working on that.
I also track my workouts in fitday.
I hope this helps.
Hi Beth!
My doctor's aftercare program includes required nutrition classes with a registered dietician and she is absolutely awesome!
My goals are:
Calories anywhere between 800 and 1200 is fine (I'm usually around 1000)
Protein 60-80g (I do pretty good with this one)
Carbs 130g ( I usually am lucky to get 80-90 in)
Fats 20g (I rarely meet this one unfortunately)
Water 64-80 oz daily (no problems meeting this one)
I use and love it!