April 27ers, how are you doing?
I celebrated my 5 month anniversary so busy I forgot it had been 5 months!! But, believe it or not, it has! I did manage to weigh and I was in at 252.... On April 27th I weighed 385... and In March at my first consultatoin with WLS doctor I weighed 411. So that is a total of 159 pounds gone forever!! My next goal is 200. I have had very few complications.. most of which were self imposed by eating too much, not chewing enough, or cheating on sugar... !! I have learned this new lifestyle and rather enjoy it!
Hi Amanda, The pounds are coming off...though not a swiftly as for some! But I'll take it.
Last month I officially said goodbye to all my comorbids!!! and now I'm in a size 14. I find myself pulling clothes off the rack and saying...no way will this fit...then it fits or is too big even!
I had this surgery for health reason, but now that my health is restored, I'm having a great time appreciating the cosmetic advantages too!
I can't believe you lost 5 lbs on a cruise...that sounds like a contradiction in terms! congrats!
I'm doing great, though the weight loss is slowing...about 1 1/2 pounds/week. I'll take it, though. I'm down a total of 70 pounds. I was a 2X and now am an L. My pants size went from 24/26 to a loose 16/tight 14. My goal is to lose 30 more and a size 12 pants.
My hunger has definitely come back.
I've started snacking on fresh fruit when I'm hungry and that seems to help a lot. I've also increased my liquid intake by another 20 ounces, so am getting in a minimum of 84 ounces/day...can you say "going to the bathroom a lot".
My co-morbs are also gone. I am in the "non-diabetic" range. My cholesterol is 149 and my blood pressure was 116/70.
Congratulations to all of us

I am down 91 pounds, but still got a lot around the middle! I look like an olive with toothpicks for legs stuck in it! I know a lot is skin, so it is disappointing to have to go buy an 18 just to get my middle in there and then the legs go around me twice! My friend says to go get maternity clothes until the tummy surgery, but man, after going through all of this do I want to go buy maternity stuff?
Has anybody else experienced this? By the way, I am wayyyyyy happy I did this. I feel so much better!
I just can not wait till I can reach goal and "have my baby" so to speak (tummy tuck).