I'm Starting Over
Hi April buddies. I just need to get this off my chest. Not asking for sympathy, just trying to get going again. September has been a really rough one so far. I retired when I turned 55 on August 30th. That was a true joy! That was on Monday. On Friday, Sept. 3rd, my gastroenterologist did an upper endoscopy to check my stomach and to make sure that there were no signs of cancer returning. My April 27th surgery was because of stomach cancer. The benefit was that my surgeon was able to do a modified gastric bypass. So he removed 9/10 of my stomach and my gallbladder. It's been a long haul getting back to feeling well. I have had my ups and downs since then and have lost almost 60 lbs....274 to 217. That brings us back to Sept. 3rd.
The Dr. found an irregularity and took several biopsies. I waited until the following week to get results. They came back fine. Then she said she wanted me to have another endoscopy with an ultrasound. That was scheduled for last Friday, the 17th. I have come through that, and will get the results of those biopsies by the end of this week. I feel good about that.
So here's the deal..... I have been worried and stressed most of the month and have gone back to my old habit of eating my stress away. I need to gather my wits about me and stop overeating! I am turning over a new leaf today! Okay. That's what I wanted to say. Thanks for letting me tell my story to people who care. God bless.

I sweetheart! Wishing you luck for the end of the week (you're in my prayers)!
As far as stress eating, even though you're making bad choices, I'd bet you can't eat as much as you used to. So get right back on the band wagon...back to basics...water, protien and exercise.
You've been so supportive to everyone here! We're here for you whenever you need support!
PS, please keep us posted on progress.
You have come through so much that I know you are going to beat this too. Sometimes my head messes with me too. But, you are doing great. Don't be to hard on yourself. You recognized the problem and are working on fixing it. Your doing great. No one is perfect, but we all have to be responsible for ourselves. That is a lesson I am learning slowly myself. Hang in there girl

Hi Peg,
I read your post. I just want to say that it sounds like you have been through so much already....that in itself has made you a stronger, better person. Pull on that strength and you will be able to get back on the right track. You will do wonderfully. Good luck and email me if you ever want to talk.