Happy 5-month Anniversary, 4/12'ers!
Happy Anniversary to us, fellow 4/12'ers!
At this magic 5-month moment, I am losing hair like crazy (I've read it occurs most often between 4 and 6 months). I have been getting "pain" from eating that I haven't had before (so much so that I had myself convinced I was having an appendicitis attack!). BUT ...
I've lost 110 pounds ... or 60% of my excess body weight (excess=183 pounds)! I'm every-day grateful for having had this surgery. My knees and ankles are grateful, too!
Medications remain the same as pre-op except for the diabetes meds. I had surgery scheduled for 3/29 ... but on 3/22, I was called and told "you have diabetes and until it is under control, we will not operate" ... GREAT! So I only began my diabetes meds this past March; but already they have been cut from 5 pills to 1 pill a day ... I'm SO glad ... and I SO hope that I can soon be a non-diabetic!
Sometimes I "forget" that it's only been 5 months since MAJOR surgery. I still (too often) eat too fast, or eat too much, or DO too much ... this is truly a learning journey.
How are my fellow April 12'ers doing?? Let us know!
Hi Nancy - happy anniversary to us! I too am losing hair despite all I do to prevent that. You had an amazing weight loss - I'm way behind you but happy for my 69-70 lbs - depending on whose scale. Have my 5month surgeon's appointment tomorrow and we'll see what his scale says. It's more accurate than mine and usually lower! I feel wonderful- no signs of asthma and those meds are gone I hope for good. We'll see. My BP is down, meds down. No complications from surgery.
on 9/13/04 12:12 pm - Los Angeles, CA
on 9/13/04 12:12 pm - Los Angeles, CA
Hi-Jack! I loved seeing you today at Dr. N's office. You looked amazing!!!! I wish he didnt take so long so I could chit chat.. He was running over an hour and half late! I cant wait to see you at the OH conf.. You looked sooooooooo good. Half the person you used to be! I was just shocked... Good Going!
Happy Anniversary and Congrats to us all
Hair is falling out in clumps and my weight loss has slowed alot, only lost 5 pounds last month. I am going to kick up the exercise and try some different foods this month. Want to reach the Century Club by 6 months, don't know if 20 is a reasonable goal this month. Thankful just the same for my new lease on life.
Good Luck this month to us all

Thanks for the update Nancy,
Sounds like you're doing GREAT! 

My hair is just starting to slow down on its mass migration off of my head. I am now a proud baby hair farmer. They're so cute, tiny little fuzzies on my melon. It's kind of funny, the majority of my hair (what's left) is chin legnth, but I have a bumper crop of little fuzzies that are no longer than 1 centimeter.
Congrats on weaning yourself off of your diabeties meds! This surgery is a miracle!
I also get pain with eating. I call it the "15 minute stretch" It usually happens about 5-10 minutes into my eating my pouch decides (I visualize much like a tiny Cesar) whether or not I can 1. Keep what I ate, 2. Continue eating or 3. RUN!! to the bathroom to lose my cookies. If I try to eat through the 15 minute stretch, option 3 is always what happens, but if I give myself a 5-7 minute break mid meal, I usually either get to keep what I ate or eat a real portion of my meal. It hurts if I try and pu****
You're AWESOME, keep up the good work,

This has been a fast 5 months!
I'm down from 278 to 185, a loss of 93 lbs. Almost at 100!!! My hair is falling out by the handfull too. I have tried biotin supplements but do not find them especially helpful. Hopefully it will slow down soon!
check out my pictures at my website
Congrats on you amazing loss!