Hair loss
I know it is normal to lose hair at this point but just all of sudden I did my hair this morning and am losing chunks.
Now I am lucky because I have a lot of hair so not noticeable but this is worrying me. How long should I expect this to last? Can anybody tell me how to slow this done ?
RNY 04-01-04

Hi Lois:
yep..mine's falling out badly, I hate to wash my hair. And I really need to get it colored (the grey is peeking through) but I'm afraid it will just all fall out!
The funny thing is my hair had gotten pretty thin because I've been losing it for years, but AFTER the surgery, for those first 3 months, everyone was commenting on how thick my hair was looking because for some reason, it stopped falling out..WELL, it has made up for it these past 4 weeks!
Fat or Bald..well I'll go with bald..I can always get a wig!

Been there, done that.....mine is thinning as we speak. By the second. I have cut and pasted the following article from Shannon C's profile from the Texas Board. It's pretty self explanatory.
"Excessive shedding occurring 4 months after gastric bypass surgery would be a typical example of a telogen effluvium. The name "telogen effluvium" explains the nature of the hair loss very well. All hair follicles in humans run through cycles of activity. During anagen, they produce hair fiber. During telogen, the follicles are dormant and there is no further growth. The hair shaft is shed at the end of the telogen phase. Effluvium is a Latin word that means "letting loose". So the term "telogen effluvium" describes hair follicles entering a dormant stage and shedding (letting loose) the hair shaft.
Telogen effluvium forms of hair loss are generalized and diffuse over the scalp. Telogen effluvium is not normally a permanent form of hair loss. Eventually, the hair follicles recover and return to normal hair density usually within one year.
In a normal, young, healthy individual up to 90% of hair follicles are in an a growing phase (anagen) and only 10% are in a telogen (resting) phase at any one moment in time. If your body experiences a systemic physiologic upset, such as a gastric bypass surgical procedure, many of the anagen hairs can be shifted into telogen. At the end of that telogen phase, which is typically about 100 days in length, those hairs will all shed. Rarely are more than 50% of the hairs of the scalp ever involved in a telogen effluvium. The severe shedding rarely lasts more than the length of the telogen phase, which is about 100 days.
There is no treatment for telogen effluvium. Once the hair follicles entered the telogen phase, the hair shafts were destined to shed in 3 to 4 months and there is no way of preventing it from taking its natural course. However, you will be encouraged to know that the hair follicles have not been damaged and that all of the hair will grow back in.
If you would like to read more about the phenomenon of telogen effluvium, please access the article at
Richard Lee, M.D."
HOPE THIS HELPS EVERYONE. I know it helped a little but I still look at all that hair in the wastebasket and think "when will it stop?"