Any sources on the net to find the nutritional content in the food we are eating?
We eat such little food and so the normal resources are not a help to me. If any of you know where I could find a resource that will tell me: So many calories in 2 ounces of this and so many grams of protein in that.
Thanks if anyone can help.
Yahoo to all of us April people.
surgery April 16
starting weight 283
weight now 229
starting BMI 44.5 morbidly obese
BMI now 37 obese
Hi Mechelle!
Have you ever tried It's a great website and she has written a great book about life after Bariatric surgery. I loved the book.
I had surgery on 4/13 and have lost 60 Lb. as of today - started at 271 and weighed in at 211 this morning.
I hope this website helps you!

I use as well but is also a nice little website that gives nutritional content of a lot of restaurant foods. It helps when you have to eat out.
Good Luck,
Hey everybody. Here's a site my nutritionist uses a lot. It is
Give it a try. Good luck!