STRANGE, but funny celebration
This entire week I have been moving around from meeting to meeting thinking that I just can't find a comfortable chair. I kept feeling something poking me in the bottom. Then, while working on last night, I was sitting on the aerobic step and realized that it's not the chairs I'm sitting in. It's the bones in my rear end and my tailbone!!!! I just never felt them before with all my previous padding!
At least you guys get it - my husband thought I was crazy when I tried to explain it to him

Hi Tandi. I'm having the same problem. All this time I thought it was because I had irritated my backside from sitting in a recliner chair for so many days after I had my surgery. I am now working more hours at work....sitting most of the time...and when I get up, ouch! I also have noticed that it is not very comfortable sleeping on my side...boney knees! This is getting exciting!
I keep looking in the mirror all the time because I don't recognize the new me that is emerging. Talk about a new life, and we have only been at this for 2-3 months!

I know what you mean....I recently had to take a road trip back home to see my sick father and drove for 12 hours straight. My butt hurt so bad and I couldn't figure it out. I thought the padding was out of my car seat but it seemed fine. Then I figured it out when my sister commented on how small my behind looked. I bought a pillow for the ride home and had some relief but it still gets sore from sitting without the additional fat pads that I've lost.
Boy, who would've thought that we'd have this problem.....