Climbing Stairs
Hi Rachel. Isn't it wonderful?!! I am actually enjoying taking walks again. I haven't been at this weight in 18 years! We have friends coming to visit next week, and I am going to be able to go for walks again with them and my husband instead of waiting for them all to come back. Keep up the good work....and fun! Just think. With all that activity, you are helping yourself lose even more weight.

Isn't this amazing...this change. I usually hate to go to WalMart...all the people and I like to go early get what I am going to get and get out. Before surgery I was huffing, puffing and would just break out in a sweat just standing in line. Yesterday, I had run out of protein bars so I zoomed by ran in got two cartons of prepared protein drinks and two boxes of protein bars and zoomed right out. I didn't even break a sweat. I just sat in my car in shock...and a smile on my face all the way to work.