Curves for women?
Hi Debbie,
Thanks for the info on sounds like the place for me. The fees at mine are the same as at yours...N****ore expensive than lots of other places but it still seems like a great deal!
I was wondering, is it like classes or do you just go whenever you like and do your own thing??? Or both??
I see you're from Butler, I grew up in Cedar Grove and lived for a few
years in Boonton. That is a beautiful area. I have lived in Central Jersey
near the beach for the past 12 it here too.
When was your surgery and how are you doing? Mine was 4/16 and I've
lost 45 lbs...
Thanks again and best of luck to you.
Hi Michelle. I did reply but, I guess it did not make it through.
Cedar BF is from Totowa....just down the road
! I atually live in Bloomingdale on a lake and I adore it. I work in Elizabeth so, coming home is a real treat. We may be moving to SC in a few years because the cost of living is just too much here. We went engagement ring shopping this weekend so, I'm thinking it may be a year...year and a half.
As for Curves, I really like it. There aren't classes or anything like that. You just go in, do your thing, and leave. I went everyday this week. What I like is that everyone is so muscle men or folks like that.
My surgery was 4/6 and I'm down 58 pounds! I'm in 18s from 22s and I just bought a bathing suit that's a 16! 

Good luck to you, too!