Am I doing something wrong?
I had RNY on 4-19 and so far, I've only lost 38 pounds. In fact, I've gained and lost the same 2 pounds for 2 weeks now. Like many of you, I have trouble getting all my liquids and protein in, but most of the time, I do get 50 grams of protein and at least 60 oz of water. I walk a few days a week for 1.5 or 2 miles and I go to Curves (30 minute excersise program). I lost 25 pounds the first month (which was right on target according to the weight loss planner) but have since lost only 13 pounds.
I feel discouraged even though I feel 100% better than I did at 300 pounds. I maintained my weight at around 260 for many years and I'm wondering if this is just where my body's comfort level is? I read posts from people who lost 50 or 60 pounds by now. Why not me????
Kathryn, girl your not by yourself! i had wls 4/20/04 and i'm only down 31lbs so your doing better than me. when i got off the scale at the dr.'s yesterday i was so disappointed
, but the nurse was excited she turned to me and smiled an said down 31lbs that's great in two months! it didn't feel great to me at all. but we must take heart as i posted in my profile i begin to talk to the dr. which made me feel much better. she told me you never know what those people that are down 60,70#'s brought to the table she said half of it could very well be water. some might have water logged legs, bad water retention. she said my dr. has taken some of his patients and put a tube down their throat to release some of their water retention and some will loss 40,50#'s just from that. then she had this chart and showed me even if i lost 30#'s every two months how far i will be in a year and it ended up being 147,150#'s that made me feel so good
and she said with short limb, which i have, one could lose up to 18/24 months. and she also said something that made me laugh so hard
she said she is currently involved in a study and that alot of people tend to grossly underestimate their weight and tend to exaggerated their wl, not saying that anyone here has, but that's what she said she is experiencing in her study she's doing with some other dr.'s right now, omg that made me laugh
, but it is really true. Kathryn just focus on a year's time, it sounds like your doing everything your suppose to do
so some months i imagine we'll lose more than others i bet next month you and i will lose more than we lost this month. but i also know how you feel, please take heart sweetie
i know it's going to get better. God bless us both. Moneice

Your words of encouragement brought tears to my eyes. Girl, everything you said is 100% right and I know it in my heart. It's just so comforting to know that someone shares my same concerns. I certainly wish you well in your journey. Since our surgery dates were so close, we should keep in touch - maybe it will keep me sane and on track. You are a sweetheart. Thanks for the reply.
Hi Kathryn,
I know it's tough. I only lost -32lbs at 8 weeks, but all is not lost. I just read on the MB about how our bodies tend to linger at previous setpoints. So that could be what is happening to you.
In addition, if you want to give your body a kick, up your protein to at least 60g a day and up your exercise. I finally got the OK to go back to Curves and I am going at least 5 days a week. I have a lot of weight to lose so I expect to have a lot of hanging I exercise to try and minimize it.
Hang in there, I am hanging with you.

Hi Kathryn,
I had open RNY on 4/12 and have only lost between 35lbs and 40lbs. (I lost 20lbs before surgery for a total of 60lbs) depending on which day I weight. I've been on a plateau for 4 weeks now fighting the same frickin' 5lbs and I too feel like it will never end even though I KNOW I will eventually lose the weight. It's that little nagging thing in your brain that thinks the surgery didn't work for you. Everyone of us have different metabolism rates and our body functions at different levels. Our time will come. I'm pretty positive we are going to get this weight off. I know exactly how you feel and just know that we are not all going to lose super fast. You are definitely not alone as I can attest to the aggreviation of the slow loss. I still feel better than I did at 340.
Hi Kathryn,
The day of my sergury I was 418 pounds, I was told that since I was so heavy that the weight would come off faster on me then if I were 300 pounds. So I think you are right on tract, I think when I lose down to where you started my weight loss will severly slow down it just takes so mucn more food to maintin 400 pounds vs 300, Thats where I think the differance is. I am now at 347 and I can not see a differance yet, My DR. told me that I will be able to start to see a differance after I lose 100 pounds. I hope this makes you feel better, I think you are doing GREAT!!!!

I just want to THANK YOU for your post.. I was feeling a since of failure and disappointment, which I was too ashame to share with anyone. I had my lap RNY on 04/05/04 and only lost 45lbs to date. I was very discouraged reading other posts and thier weight loss, and I started to doubt myself(hard habit to break). I just want to thank you for not being a coward(like me) and voicing your concern. From your courage I have gained strength.
THank you
Well all, I can be in the boat with the rest of you. I had my Lap Proximal RNY on 4/12 and have lost about 32 pounds since. I lost 10 pounds prior so that is about 42 total.
One thing I figured out and my doctor concurred, for those of us who lost prior to surgery, we lost our water weight in advance. so we started out with a loss, and did not get that initial big loss like many have.
There are people taking lasix which deplete their water daily, adding to those losses.
We have to keep doing the right thing, I get down about it allthe time, but I have not eaten pasta, bread (of any kind), rice, sugar, caffine, and less than 800 calories a day, and work out for 1 hour 4 times a week.
I have to lose.
keep up the good work all of you.
I just want to thank everyone for their response to my desperate plea for support. (My computer got a virus late yesterday and I'm just now getting the chance to reply to all of you). In my heart, I know we won't fail at this. When the scales move, we've got to post and let each other know. I know it's going to keep moving...I've got to believe that I didn't go through this life altering event to just lose 38 pounds. Let's all stay active on this board and support each other. It's good to know that we are sharing some of the same struggles.