HELP! I think I'm eating too much....
I'm getting a little scared because I'm able to eat almost anything I want. At first, the thought of eating just really made me go "YUK", but now, I'm finding that no matter what I try, I do fine. I've never dumped and never vomited. My pouch does feel "rumbly" a lot but that's not really a problem.
Today, I had a grilled chicken sandwich and ate the whole thing! I ate it over about a 1 hour period, but still, I ate the whole thing. I'm terrified
that I've either stretched my pouch already or something.
Anyone else feel this way?

Just because you *can* eat anything you want, doesn't mean you have to.... or doesn't mean you have to eat large quantities. This surgery is no guarantee...... you have to change your eating habits. Be very careful! I could never eat an entire chicken sandwich right now.
I am jealous that you are able to keep chicken down though. Almost everytime I try to eat turkey or chicken I
The other night I carefully ate a chicken leg over 30 minutes and it still didn't work. It gets stuck and I get sick.
Good Luck!

You might try tracking you food at it helps me track protein but also calories. I just met w/ my nutritionist on Tues and she said I should be around 600-700 calories/day now (which is hard for me to get in). My surgery was 4/15. Of course, you may want to check with you own nutritionist for advice. One other thing - I eat my meals in about 30 mins but don't stretch them as long as one hour. It's my understanding that grazing over time allows you to take in more food. One last thing, make sure you stop eating when you're full. This is so hard for me, too.
Good luck.
I, too, feel that I can eat whatever I want. I could probably eat a whole chicken sandwich too. I eat whole protein bars. I am not worried, though, because I have lost 65 lbs. since my RNY on 4-12, and I am able to stop eating after a few bites and feel satisfied if not full. Are you drinking all your water? That helps me stay away from food too.
Hi there,
I don't think you've stretched your pouch.
I could eat an entire sandwich if I chew chew chewed and gave myself an hour to do it. Don't let your meals stretch longer than 30 minutes. Optimally meals should be between 20-30 mins. What I do to ensure I don't graze down a large portion when out with friends is I order my to go box at the beginning of a meal and leave only on my plate what I can actually eat in 30 mins. Out of sight, out of mind.
Only 60% of all people dump, you could be part of the 40% who just don't. It means you get more responsibility, but YOU CAN DO IT! You might want to consider lurking around the lap band folks message boards for encouragement, as they are in a similar situation (no dumping in their world either).
My very best wishes to you!
Lap RNY 4/1/04
400/292/Goal of 260
hey Ronda, i also can eat a whole sandwhich my wls was 4/20/04. i just think all of us are different. i also don't think it will take me an hour. i'm not sure. but i think your ok, but i do know how it is scary to be able to eat anything without vomiting, or dumping. i do dump and learn my lesson but i will not vomit even though i feel like i have to but i never can. i too can eat mostly anything even from the beginning. God bless. Moneic