April Fools - Check in with your status please!
Good morning April 1st Folks!
Take a sec and tell us how you're doing. We're the elderly on this board =)
1. Weight loss = Good!
Grand total of 108 lbs gone forever
2. Energy level = Good!
3. Emotional levels = Good! Bye bye Perma-PMS.
4. Other = OUCH! I threw my back out on wednesday, and it HURTS! Haven't been around because sitting is a CHORE. Missed out on going to the Prince Concert, and my friends Choir Concert because I was laying at home in a back neutral position.
Lap RNY 4-1-04
-108 - Goal of 32 more to go

Here's my 2 cents.
1. Weight loss = Good!
Grand total of 60 lbs gone forever
2. Energy level = Excellent; am walking up 48 steps to my third floor office at least 3 times a week -- preop I couldn't walk up flights of steps at all without serious breathing problems.
3. Emotional levels = Excellent
4. Other = I'm just SO DAMN HAPPY I had this surgery!
I'm so impressed with your 108 pounds -- how did you do it in such a short time???
Thanks for your encouragement!
I am So glad to hear that you are doing so well too!!!!!!! (Doesn't it feel great taking stairs, and finding you don't pray for death upon reaching the top step?)
Short time = LOL! Its never quite short enough is it? It is 108 since last June, so I'm working on a full year of losing at this point, even if surgery was only 80 some days ago.
I attribute my success to being very proactive about surgery and practicing for the post-op lifestyle for so long before actual surgery.
Also, when my back isn't out, I really threw myself into exercise - regular daily walks and long bikerides on a regular basis. I take my vitamins, and my meds, and hang out with my support group weekly. I try to not let foods become obsessions, or weighing myself become an obession. I have a wonderful girlfriend who is my rock. Her love and support give me so very much.
Above all other factors, LUCK. I think my loss has a lot to do with just luck of the draw. I am a rather quick loser and am very grateful for that blessing.
You're doing great! Keep up the FANTASTIC work!
Pre-op weight loss - 32 lbs
Immediate post-op weight loss - 16.8 lbs
4 wks post-op - 21.5 lbs more for a total of 38.3 post op and 70.3 overall.
Week 5 - plateau plus weight gain of 1.1 lb
Week 6 - plateau plus weight gain
Week 7 - plateau plus weight gain
Week 8 - plateau plus weight gain
Week 9 - plateau plus weight gain up to 10 lbs
Week 10 - plateau!!!!!
How's those for stats?
1. Weight loss = Slow, but sure.. have consistenly lost every week.
Postop= 44
Grand total of 44 lbs gone forever
2. Energy level = Good!
3. Emotional levels = So So.. I get upset that I am a "slow loser" but overall feel alot better with 44 lbs gone.
4. Other = I cannot keep chicken or turkey down.. no matter how much I chew chew chew, it gets stuck and comes back up!

You and I are like sisters! My weight loss - slow but sure. Preop I was not allowed to lose or would lose my approval. Post-op 46 lbs. Energy level good, considering I have a broken back. Emotional levels good, sometimes bummed about slow loser, but not too bad; however PMS and periods MUCH worse due to simultaneous tubal. Other: PRINCESS POUCH HATES POULTRY!! I finally kept some down last night - thighs instead of white meat, but it wasn't easy! Generally avoid it. LOL