Drinking Alcohol
Well, I know I'm not supposed to drink alcohol. My surgeon suggests waiting at least 6 months, preferably a year. But I've been bad. Memorial Day weekend my family went camping. I was 7 weeks post-op. I drank a Jack Daniels Cooler one night. I sipped it slow and only had the one. I did feel a little tipsy probably because I haven't eaten much and I haven't drank in over 6 months. But I handled it fine. I can't tell you what to do or what not to do.
My doc told me to wait at least 6 months before dabbling in the voodoo juice. I'm going to Vegas next week and have never been to Sin City without drinking before.......but I just can't to risk getting all liquored up and making a damn fool outta myself in a casino on ONE drink! I've been told by others who have had this surgery to try drinking at HOME first, before you go into a public place and risk the possibility of embarassing yourself and others.
I plan on ordering virgin bloody marys with extra olives and enjoying myself with all of my friends WITHOUT the added influence of alcohol. Hell, I made it thru 3 pregnancies without drinking for 9 months, so this should be a cake-walk!
430/380/under 200!

my doc suggested to try either a light beer or glass of wine first, i did 2 glasses of wine a few weekends ago and i did fine!! sipped them slow and got a lil tipsy. but it felt good to be hanging with the girls and able to have a glass of wine.. i say try it at home first, take a few sips and wait.. lol see how it goes..

I had my WLS on 4/5, and I have tried alcohol on two occasions. Last weekend I had two light beers on DH's ****tail cruise for work. I drank the first one very slowly, and didn't feel a thing, and got a fresh one when that got very warm, and drank about 3/4 of it and still didn't feel anything! I thought for sure I'd be getting silly on ONE, let alone TWO! I suffered no ill effects, and journaled it in my fitday!
Today, at a family party, I had about 1/2 of a different kind of light beer, and it got warm before I could fini**** and I tossed it. No buzz either.
IME, it takes a LOT to get me drunk. I've never been drunk enough to consider myself drunk! Go figure. Guess I'll never know.