Pasta and ground beef
I have to say, I was a bad boy and I've tried a little bit of everything. after all of the testing and trying, pasta does not set very well with me. Cottage cheese and yogurt is the old stand-by. I also noticed that we had our surgeries on the same day. So far, I have not vomited at all. Best of luck to you.
I've had a little pasta (ziti) with ground beef and tomato/onion/peppers (like a goulash). It went down good. It's really hard to chew chew chew pasta though.
We're not supposed to eat pasta, bread, rice because it can cause discomfort and not a good protein source. However, a little bit now and then I think would be okay - helps with the variation. Bread may ball up and get stuck, and pasta can expand and bother the pouch. I keep a food journal on a spread sheet (cut and paste nutritional values) and pasta really adds on the calorie count!
I tried rice a few weeks ago and felt like I was digesting a saw blade! Won't do that again real soon, or maybe ever!
Once in a great while when I crave a sandwich, I'll have a half slice bread with some protein on it.
Have a great week everyone!