Milk is the enemy
Last night I had a couple mouth fulls of milk. Not a good thing, gas factor was very long and painfull and to top it off it was 4 am. Today I feel like someone beat the crap out of me (no pum there). Today all I can do is lay on the couch but I did make meatballs & sause for dinner tonight. My son is going through spegetti withdrawler. Being Italian I always loved my pasta too much one of my pre op favorites. I will have a forkfull tonight with my meatball and I am sticking to angel hair it seems to digest the best. I am really glad that I found communites on the message board and chose my date to pick a board to post on. Well I hope everybody had a good weekend and see ya later........................................
Hi Barb,
I love pasta too! One of my weaknesses being Italian. I just made meatballs and italian sausage and ravioli's...
I had to smell it cooking all day in my crockpot. I did have a little of each, was sooooo good! I am, or should I say used to be, a BIG milk drinker. I could go through a gallon in 3-4 days, myself. No one else here likes it. I do sneak a few oz here and there, but I do try to steer clear of it.
Take care and have a great night.

I would be really careful with that pasta. I am not suppose have any pasta unless it is a whole grain and then very little. It swells in my pouch and because the pouch is still healing, we should not pu**** enjoy the sauce and meat balls if you must. the meatballs I make are with ground turkey, instead of beef. which is better too.
as for milk I like the carb countdown alot, and I too use it in my protein shakes instead of water, so I can get more protein in my system each day.