protein shakes... YUK!!!!
I am having a problem keeping protein shakes down, more to the point when I think about what was going to happen after drinking them
I don't even want to drink them at all.... Does anyone know if there is some kind of supplement that can be taken instead of the protein shakes or bars???? any help you can give is greatly appreciated.

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Leslie i know what you mean i can't stand the protein shakes either, but so far i 've only bought one flavor maybe i should try some other flavors. just the thought of it makes me want to barf. i know isopure has a variety pack i think i'm going to get that from gnc. i've been getting alot of my protein in thru meats for the last two weeks when my dr. told me i can have meat. i had one bad experience so far and i try not to do that again some meats like turkey and tuna has to go in the blender. before that i did some shakes and some baby food meats just added some salt and pepper and it was good but now the thought of the baby food kinda' grosses me out. but my protein levels are good, i'm having problems with my postassium now so i have to concentrate on those foods now.
Hi Leslie, I was in the same place you are just a few weeks ago. Some one on here gave me this website At this site they have a variety of protein powders. The best thing is that you can order samples and try them before you buy a big jug. My favorite is Proplete the vanilla pineapple flavor. Good luck.