unable to excercise-knee trouble
I am 5 weeks out and supposed to be walking everyday. I did great for the first 3 1/2 weeks. However, slowly but surely, my knee problems have come back to haunt me and now I can not walk without extreme pain. I have an appointment with an orthopedic Dr. but he can not see me until 6/1. My biggest concern is that I won't be able to excercise and the weight won't come off.
Any suggestions?

It does sound like water aerobics is going to be your best bet. Just remember that your incision has to be completely healed before getting into standing water. Also, after the six week mark, you can start lifting weights. Remember the more muscle you body has, the more calories you will burn when you are resting!
Take care,
I too have the old arthur in my knee joints. I am so far doing ok with the walking. They get a little sore at times but I seem to be handling it ok for now. Maybe if you stick to the other exercises and let up on the walking for a while you can still burn the calories. If not the water exercises might not be as hard on your knees. Not much help I am afraid, Trish
I too am having major knee pain. My cortisone shot wore off and I am getting another on the 17th. I walk in the store until I cannot. I have a spa I go in and also use ice packs. I walk in the house too. Just try to keep moving until you see the Dr. then we can get out and about like the others. I am so hoping as the #'s melt it will feel better because I cannot stand the idea of a knee replacement anytime soon!!!