April 30th ~ How is everyone doing?
Hey Everyone ~
I am interested to know how everyone is doing that had surgery on April 30th. I am doing great.. up and walking the mall for exercise and eating like a rabbit mushing it in my mouth till its apple sauce consistancy. I am losing weight while I sleep.. I've lost 28 pounds so far.. and I will be two weeks out Friday. Protein is my biggest struggle.. I hate the drinks.. but am working on finding out where I can buy the roadside lemonade. I've also found some sort of protein crystals on the net that Iam interested in trying. I hope everyone is doing well and I can't wait to hear how everyone is doing!
Hi Mandy..love that name..also my youngest daughter's name..Young at 26 still she says.My surgery was also the 30th.281/2 pounds so far.Am not able to eat the required number of times yet.Still have nausea once in a great while.Getting the vitamins and minerals down is a chore.All these years as a nurse telling people to take their medication and now the tables are turned...life is sure interesting..Take care and stay well
Hi fellow 30th'ers!
I am getting better everyday. I had a great day yesterday and for the first time got in over 60 grms of protien. So far everything has stayed down and caused little problem. I am still struggling with the 64 oz of water, but generally get around 50 oz not including my protien shake. I get up and every morning drink 14 oz of water and then have my protien shake for breakfast. I eat a couple of oz's at lunch and at dinner and then for the first time has a protien drink after dinner. I am eating soft solid food such as cheese, tuna with a little mayo mixed in, ham,and some chicken. Today had a few bites of my daughters mac and cheese
and called it lunch. So overall, I feel like I am doing OK but sure wished I could get passed mouring what I can't have. My scale has stopped moving which is discouraging, it has been 4 days since it moved but from what I understand this is normal and I wonder if it doesn't have something to do with my impending period that should be coming in the next couple of days if the whole surgery thing didn't throw it off. I suppose the only thing I am not doing is exercising which I plan to get that into gear in the next couple of days. I wish I could find the key to the tredmill, but may have to hit the pavement instead. So far I am down 27 lbs and holding.