how is the 13th club doing
Hello every one, today is 4 weeks post op..
-how are you feeling?
-what are you eating?
-are you exercising? how much and what?
-have you gone back to work?
-how much have you lost?
as for me
- I feel ok, i still have a little bit of paing on my left side, and it gets really stiff at times.
-I am eating things that have protien in it, tuna, pinto beans,and eggs... today i try dry toast..and when i want something sweeet I eat a bit of a sugar free cookie...ummm umm
-not exerciseing yet...other than a little walk..but will start step aerobics at 6 weeks out...
-have not gone back to work. I am enjoying being off, planting flowers and such. I may go back on the 17th
-I have not lost any weight in the past 10 days,..I have a total lose of 27 pounds, and hope that I will continue to lose soon.
thats an update on me..I cant wait to hear from the 13th club
Hi Conita, and all the other 13-ers!
Sounds like your doing great! congrats on the 27 lbs!
here's what's up around here:
-I am feeling great! I think I had that same pang (left side) but it seems to be getting better.
-I am on ground foods, cheese and crackers, hot dishes with hamb, rice, eggs,tuna, egg salad, salmon,shrimp and still on the old faves....jello, popsicles,and pudding. I haven't had any problems with food so far. I did experiance what happens when I eat to fast...I only had to do that once!!!
-I am doing some exercise, I do 2 miles on my cross trainer, and have been working in my garden, and doing hand weights....went out dancing with hubby and friends for my birthday....Dr said "OK" to 1 drink...hehe.
I try to do my cross trainer everyday but I think i over did i've gone down to 2-3 times a week.
-I got the OK to go back to work on Thurs. for 6 hour shifts (normally i work 12hours). I think once i get moving at work too things will start comming off....I do alot of walking and standing.
- I have lost 25 lbs, and am kind of at a stand still too, but I'm not doing near as much, since i'm not working.
Thanks Conita~
The 1 drink was very yummy! I think it was a little soon, it pretty much took forever to drink, and then i felt a slight buzz and then wanted to go home and go to bed.....a big change for me! I think it will go better in a couple of months.....not that I drink that much anymore (since I had kids)....but I have to have my once a month girls night out!!!
I am a beer girl....I tried Mich. Ultra it's lower in Calories (95) no fat, and low carbs. and it doesn't taste to bad either.
I go for my one month appointment tomorrow. On the plus side I'm expecting to see about a 30 lb. weight loss and I'm not hurting as much as I used to though still a little pain on my left side right underneath my rib cage.
What I'm eating: that's the bad part. I have slowly gotten to the point where I can't seem to get much of anything down. This morning two bites of scrambled egg gave me nausea and chest pains, and tonight I threw up a bit of instant mashed potatoes.
It looks like I need to get dialated. Even an Atkins shake tonight made me queasy. The other thing I'm struggling with is not being able to drink water. Even a sip makes me queasy. I'm doing my best with getting some crystal lite down but most days I'm lucky to get in 16oz of liquid outside of my protein shakes. So, I'm not eating or drinking well.
Not really exercising yet, unless you count caring for my 2 and 5 year old sons and basic housework.
I'm looking forward to getting on the walking machine soon but don't have the energy yet nor the hydration!
At this point I'm not planning to go back to work, I hate my old job and only stayed there this long for the insurance! I hope to start back in college this fall and look forward to losing enough weight to be able to move around campus and keep up with the teenagers!
lap RNY 4/13/04

Greetings - My lap RNY was 4/13 - and here is how I am doing
I am down around 40 lbs, give or take. I am not back to work - I chose to take the entire 6 weeks off - my benefits allow it, and I see no reason to go back any sooner. I am eating pureed foods still (beans, chicken, yogurt etc) I guess I am doing pretty well. Only thrown up 3 times, and 2 were because my 'meds' got stuck (they usually go down without incident, but sometimes get stuck sideways) - I walk every single day - and my doctor suggested that, at 6 weeks, I should be able to walk 2 miles - which I can do now at 4 weeks. So I am ahead of schedule there - and I can't 'exercise' till 6 weeks. Then I intend to 'ramp it up a bit'. For the most part, doing okay - but DYING for something crunchy!