Serious Complications, Almost Lost In Surgery :(
Well, i'm finally home from the hospital. But it was a very scary journey. I had major complications during surgery and was unable to breathe on my own for a couple days. My blood pressure was also hovering right around 154 / 110. They couldn't control the pain at all and I was so scared and miserable. The doctor says a lot of the complications during surgery were due to two previous, near fatal bouts of pancreatitis. My surgery took 2 hours longer than anticipated and I spent almost 8 hours in recovery before I could even be moved to my room.
Anyway, i'm home now and in tons of pain. The pain meds are not helping and I can't sleep. On the good side, i've lost 11 lbs since sugery.
Anyway, does anyone have any good tips on relieving pain without meds?
Hi Tracy~
I am sorry to hear about your rough time but happy that you are home and doing better! I was afraid to swallow the pills they gave me for pain so I used a heating pad wrapped in a towel and that helped a lot. I am not sure why but it felt especially good on my back. Go figure!
Good luck and best wishes,

I am so sorry to hear about your complications. I didn't sleep for almost a week except for little cat naps. I slept in a recliner, and this was the best!!!
don't worry about the time frame of how long you will be in pain, everyone is different.
just remember you did have major surgery and complications too. Rest
I hope that you are continuing to recover!! Wow, you have been through a bunch. My suggestion would be to try herbal tea--Chamomille seems to be good at reducing muscle pain and causing drowsiness. My husband loves to drink it after he works in the yard all weekend and is sore. Try some relaxation exercises if you can focus for a minute. It is really hard to anything when you are hurting. Hang in there.
OH MY!!! I'm soooo sorry to hear you're having such a time. I had my RNY-lap on 4-27- and have had no pain meds since leaving the hospital on 4-27-. I try to walk, that helps and I try to sipp my fluids without sucking down to much air. Other than that, there is nothing else I know that can help with your pain. I wish you a speedy recovery with little pain. God Bless, Katy
So very sorry to hear about the complications. I had no complications, but was allergic to all pain meds given me, even with benedryl chasers. I had my surgery on Tuesday, home on Wednesday and on Thursday I called my doc and asked if I could come off of the pain meds ( I was miserable with hives) and just take liquid Tylenol through the tube. Try it! It did me ok!
Sorry to hear of your complications, glad you're finally home. I don't know what they have you on for pain, but I have liquid tylenol #3.It works OK. I also slept only for a few hrs at a time and slept more or less upright. Please rmember to use your incentive spirometer! You are still not out of the woods and if you don't breathe deeply,you are still at risk for pneumonia.
I, too had complications, and spent two weeks in the hospital. I had a history of pancreatits, but thankfully that was not my problem. Pancreatitis makes you sicker than you can ever tell to someone who hasn't had it. My faith in Jesus Christ was the anchor that got me through this.
About pain. If you can't take it by mouth, go to the drugstore and get tylenol suppositories. My MD prescribed them for me and when my husband got to the drug store they said that no prescription is needed for the suppositories. You can use one or two at a time. Insurance doesn't pay for them bacause they're not a Rx. I paid about $12.00 for a box of them. I hope this helps.
In Christ,