Secret Fears...of a New Post-OP
You really are doing great Cheri, it can be tough at first to get into the protein swing and let go of the baked potato, but you have lost 24 pounds in a month! That's phenomenal and there's little reason to compare (I'm horrible at doing that too and try to stop all the time
I do have to agree that I too am worried I'll eat the wrong thing or too much of it, that I'll gulp instead of sip, that I'll eat a little too quickly. This whole thing is about learning how to eat again, learning about food all over again and as everyone says, they're not doing brain surgery and no matter what I now listen to my baby belly instead of my big head when the pizza and carbs are in front of me
Keep up the great work and remember, we're all in this together but we all have our own way of doing it