I had open rny on april 20th and I have an incision from under my breasts to about a smidge above my belly button, and 2 small wound openings from the drainage tubes I had, one just to the lower left of the bottom of my incision and the other is underneath my right breast. Well I have been having to cover up the lower part of my incision because of all the drainage and cover up the 2 different places where the drainage tubes were, and where all that tape and gauze has been has reeked havok on my super sensitive skin, I'm breaking out and have a rash on my belly and it hurts to move more from the burning skin than it does the other soreness. Anyone got any ideas on how to soothe my burning skin?
Amanda Skaggs

Hi Amanda, I had the exact same problem....BTW, my surgery was on April 19th. My doc told me to keep it covered all the time, etc. Well, I realized that my incision needed AIR to breath. Every evening before going to bed, I would sit quietly with my incision uncovered. I would give it an hour or so of air time...also helped my red skin. In the morning, after my shower, I also gave it some air time. It has not been quite two weeks and my incision is almost completely is amazing. And now my wound is completely dry. I no longer use gauze to cover has ster-strips and even those are starting to fall off.
So, the moral of the story, at least from where I am sitting, the wound and your skin needs A-I-R!!
hope this helps,