Kind of Embarrasing ?
I had my surgery on Mon. 26th. I have not had a bowel movement since then. I know that since I've been on liquids there probably isn't anything to move through my bowels, however, I still think I'd feel better if I went. Also, on top of that, I started my period today. Any suggestions on help with constipation. I'm afraid to weigh due to the extra bloat I've got going on. Thanks for you input!
Don't be embarassed. If we can't come here for these questions, where can we go? I had surgery on 4-21 and was released from the hospital on 4-24. I was given a fleet enema on 4-24, but still had no results until Monday, 4-26. Give it time. I was uncomfortable, too, but it does go away. I promise....
And the period thing; I started mine the day after surgery while I was gorked out and lying flat on my back with a catheter. I had prepared and brought pads, but the hospital gave me maternity pads which were doubled in length and PERFECT for being in bed.
Water, water, water. It truly makes a huge difference. When I was 1 week post op, I had TERRIBLE gas pains and ended up calling the surgical resident on call. He said they might just take time to go away. I know I've gotten off of your subject here but what I wanted to tell you was that I asked him if it was okay to use glycerin suppositories to maybe move things along and he said it was fine and he basically told me I could use them whenever I felt it was necessary. Shew! So, in a nut shell....glycerin suppositories are okay and drink as much water as you can to keep your engine running and flowing smoothly! -Sandra
...don't worry, this isn't embarrasing. I have a 3 yr old so if poop is not a discussion 17 times a day, well...something is wrong!!
Have you been tried Benefiber? My doc recommends a fiber supplement to avoid this problam, and from what I have been told, this one dissolves completely in a glass of water with no grittiness or "nasty" taste.
Good luck on the losing side. BTW, don't be embarassed.
We are all here for help, both giving and receiving.
Myra D.

don't be embarrassed, i had surgery on apr 6 and didn't go for 7 days after, so i took some milk of magnesia, and it turned the trick! since this episode i have been fine, got my period a week after i was home and it lasted 13 days ! it finally went away yesterday, hang in there every week has been getting better
I had my RNY on April 21st.... I didn't take a poop til tonight! ITS NO BIG DEAL... GOD FORBID DON'T STRAIN. If you feel excruciation pain, then there is a problem... But in all reality you are a 3 day postie.... ( i was still in hosp until late in 5th day) With my C-sections I didn't poop until a day after I was first alowed to eat normal food. AT THIS POINT I WOULDN'T CALL IT CONSTIPATION. And its best not to weigh until you become normal with urination... (make sure all that hosp IV fluid isn't in your system. Had my persiod in hosp. 3rd day I beleive... sucked a lil with the blood thinners..... GIVE YOURSELF EITHER ONE WEEK OUT FROM 4*26 OR 10 DAYS OUT FROM THAT. IF STILL EXCRETION... THEN CALL DRS OFFICE... DOCUSATE STOOL SOFTNERS MAYBE WHAT HE RECOMENDS.
IF YOU ARE IN PAIN, CALL DR NOW. Don't hesitate!!!!! but if your just wondering when, your body will take care of your needs itself.
DONT STRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't fear, I had sugery on 4/16/04 first poop was on 4/24/04 8 days later I was concerned but my friend who also had surgery about 4 months ago said this was normal. I have gone 3 other times since then I find it strange because before first thing in morning was a normal day for me then later in the early evening. So this is different but not unusual.