7 Days postop today
I can't believe how much pain I'm in!! I had no idea i would be this sore! Also can anyone tell me how in the world I'm supposed to get in 64 oz. per day, when I feel bloated after only sipping on 4 ounzes of water!! Which took me an hour to drink!! I'm also very swollen along my mid-section, is this normal, I had open roux-en-y, so I know they went in and tossed everything around, but I've been doing everything I have been told to do and I still feel like crap!! Is this totally normal, or what??
Hi Amanda, I am learning that each person heals differently. Yesterday was one week for me. I have very limited discomfort, no pain at all. I had Open.
I do have trouble getting in all my fluids, but I do the best I can and each day I get better. Also, I notice that I tolerate different fluids at different times of the day. Plain water is VERY harsh on my tummy first thing in the morning. I drink a little crystal lite or have a protein shake. As the day progresses, I can switch to bottled water.
Hope you start feeling better...probably after the swelling goes down, you will really start to feel good....also, don't be surprised if one day you wake up and all of a sudden you realize, oh my gosh, I feel good today!!
Good luck,
Dear Amanda,
I am three weeks out tomorrow, I too was in alot of pain the first week and 1/2..but as everyone continues to point out to me..you did have major surgery ya know..if you are anything like I am, you want to feel better yesterday. I am still bloated, but it gets better each day. I had lap/not open which I am very grateful. I sip all day long, switch from crystal lite to choc. protein shakes etc. being swollen in the mid section is very normal..also sugar free jello and sugar free (SF) popcicles were my lifesaver my first 10 days!!!!!
Keep you smile on. I promise it gets better each day.
deb wilder
Hey Amanda,
I had open rny on 4-21 and I was in so much pain I thought I was going to die. We were going to do it lap, but found out my liver was too large then had to open me up. Big surprise. Anyway, I am having a lot of difficulty getting any amounts of anything in; water, crystal light, yogurt, popsicles, anything. I force myself to eat. I get in no more than 2 teaspoons at a time. Well, guess that's what I wanted, huh? I stopped having constant pain around Sunday and now only have it when I cough, hiccup, or get up from a seated position. Yesterday was the first day I felt human, again.
Give it time and realize we've gone through something our bodies never intended to have happen. It's a wonderful thing we've done, we just have to let our bodies adjust to it.
Good luck!

Hi Amanda,
I am 8 days out today . I did not have open surgery , but was fortunate enough to have a lap. I have to say that every day, I feel 100% better than the day before. The first couple of days were really painful for me. I was really nauseous and couldn't get even a little bit of liquid down, but with each day, it got a little better.
I actually took a 1 mile walk today with my husband and I felt really good. Just give it a little more time and you'll be back to your old self. Having an open procedure is much more invasive and your body just needs a little more time to adjust.
Best of luck to you. Tomorrow will be a better day!!!
Hi Amanda,
Sorry your havin' a tough time
I had a lap rny 6 days ago, and drink only 40 oz of H2O, but I was told decaf tea counts toward fluids of which I drink about 20oz. Also, Crystal Lite. My bloating is decreasing day by day. But all in all I feel great, no pain at all. I find that walking really helps to move things through which I do at least 2 blocks a day. Hope you feel better soon!
prox lap rny 4/22/04