13th-ers.....it's two weeks!!
I was the 12th but I figured close enough. For exercise I am just walking 2x per day but hope to go back to the gym next week for the treadmill. Eating on the other hand, not so good. Not getting to much down and REALLY having a problem with the protein drinks. At this point I have found one that I can drink without vomiting. The fruit flavor myophlex but it takes me a hour to get it down. How about you. Sounds like you are doing great.
Hi Patti
it sounds like your doing great! I am doing my walking video (2 miles) and 1 mile on my crosstrainer. I'm not to consistant though. I've also been out digging in my garden since the weather is getting so nice.
I am still alittle sore, and can sure tell if i'm overdoing it!
I'm not doing well with protein either, I haven't found one that i like, as a drink. but i add a little unflavored stuff to my pureed meals...still not gett the full amount. I'm not doing good at getting my 6 meals a day either....but i'm doing good with fluids.
I am not a 13er..... but I am a RNYer.... I should explain that I do just fine with Sugar at this point... I do "no sugar added" applesauce & popsicles... and I do fine with good old fashioed surgared Jello. But I found a miracle
Dannon Light & Fit Creamy Yougurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
100 calories
Total Fat, 0
cholesteral less than 5 mg
sodium 130 mg
potassium 330 mg
toatl carbs 17 g
sugars 10g
protein---- 8 FRICKIN GRAMS!!!!!
calcuim 250 mgs, ribo 20 %, B12 15%, and phosp is 20 %
They list WHEY Protein in the label!!!! this is the HIGHEST I could find for non high fructose corn syrup, and plain sugary yougurt (sugary non-fat yougert has 43 grams of sugar.....
I'm loving this stuff like you just don't know... Yes, I'd prefer Yoplait, but I am glad to find a high protein version of some thing lord knows I can't eat chicken or peanut butter at this point!
Good luck all
Hey Katie.
two weeks post op and im feeling ok. Sometimes i still get tired, but thats to be expected when I do to much. I am mostly eat Cream soups, and split pea soup (my fav), and cottage cheese. I try to get in all my protien, with the drinks and the pea soup with cottage cheese....having a hard time getting enough water, but trying hard. I have not exercised at all, but i am feeling stonger and better everyday. I walk in the house cause it to cold outside for me, and doc said no step aerobics until 6 weeks out.
would i do this again?? OH HELLL YEAH!!
Hope everyone is doing great and feeling as good as i do sometimes..
Hi Katie and all, I am doing well also. I walk. My son is my walking buddy. We are doing great. Two miles at 2 weeks. Guess what next weeks goal is? You guessed it 3 miles. What a slave driver but I love him. My diet is pureed foods. Baby food really, but atleast not that liquid stuff. I found great protein at www.bariatriceating.com. They let you buy samples of the different kinds. I was the same about the protein powders last week. I like these a lot better. I have also locked up my scale for 2 weeks. If I got on and did not loose at least 2lbs a day I was disappointed. So we put it away for a while. Hope everyone is doing great. I started back to work so life is busy.

WOW Deb!!! That's great...2 miles....what a slave driver.....can I borrow him?
I have learned if you add alittle horseradish to your meat it gives it alittle kick of flavor....But i'm getting sooooo sick of pureed food! I hav my first appt. next week hopefully i will be moved to soft foods.
I'm having trouble with my protein, but ordered some samples from www.bariatriceating.com also. Hopefully i will find one i like...What's your favorite?
wow back to work already? good for you!