Having Surgery on the 28th getting a little scared!!!!
I couldn't do that. In fact, I started tapering off 2 days before surgery and ate only minimally the day before so that my bowel prep would be easier. And it was! No big deal. My actual instructions were clear liquids after 2pm, magnesium citrate at 6pm and then push water until midnight. I would have probably been too afraid to have anything in there when they were cutting anyway. I am three weeks out and doing great BTW. Good luck and blessings!

I was able to eat the day bofore but not any high fat foods. I ate two sandwiches that day (chicken breast cooked on the grill and added mayo on a hamb. bun) and I ate a 3-4 Pringles, and I know I ate a couple of other things just cause I knew it would be a long time before I could(can't remember what though). Two days before (camping with GS) I had pizza and a hot dog.
I had open RNY and this caused no problems.