Fellow 12thers..how is the weightloss going so far?
Hi Aimee!
I am not a 12ther, but I am a 13ther. You are doing awesome
!!! I lost 17 lbs my first week and think that I am around 20 or so now. I am going to weigh Wed. when my husband goes for his initial eval.
I haven't had any major problems other than getting rid of the food. It seems to run right through me. I don't drink for a 1/2 hour before or a 1/2 hour after my meals though. My body just hasn't straightened out yet. Hopefully it will soon. How are you doing with the eating. What type of foods are you able to eat. I am on pureed. I stick with applesauce, tuna (and other fish), cottage cheese, yogurt, mashed potato's, jello, pudding and popcicles. I feel like I am eating a big variety for only 2 weeks out though.
Happy Loosing!!!!!

Hi there Aimee congrats on the weight loss
......I am down about 25 lbs give or take (depends on how much clothing I have on
I am really having an awful time trying to get in all the fluids I am supposed to..I am lucky if I can get in 4 cups & that is including my Carnation instant breakfast & my protein shake
I have to force myself to swallow only to feel like
..thank god I have not vomited yet...it is a big fear of mine....
Are you on a blended diet? I am craving a chicken cesar salad and can not wait to have one...although I am not hungry at all & am lucky if I eat a Tsp of "food" a day.nothing seems to go down well & I am still craving "real" food and can not stomache the blending up of my food..ah well such is life....I am sure it will get better over time.....

I've only lost 31.5 lbs so far but it's been rough going. It seems I should have lost more by now but I'm unable to take in any protein or any pureed food which I should be on now. Once it hits my pouch, the pain is so intense, I just don't eat it. Even a lot of the clear liquids hurt too. The doctor is very nonchalant about the whole thing and when I asked what to do, just stay on clear liquids for the next few months, he said yes. He's an a$$hole. My tube hurts and bleeds extensively and I don't get much sleep. I'm hungry and thirsty all the time and would be happy to just drink some water. I'm craving regular food too, especially meat!
Take care. Linda.
17 pounds down! The first couple of weeks have been a rollercoaster, but I love the ride. Still on liquids. Looking forward to pureed foods in a couple of weeks. Yuk! Protein shakes...but I am trying to tolerate. Still pain in my left side, but dulling. Getting re-energized, but I seem to sleep a lot. I guess my body is still healing.
Congrat to everyone on the weight loss! I have lost 23 ilbs, but do agree with loose having food problems. Not doing well getting food down, the protein drinks make me vomit even when I force down some protein drink. The only one I have been able to get down at all is Myophlen fruit. I am Lactose intolerant which my doc dietitian knew so the milk based protein makes me throw up just from the smell. But enough about me I am very concerned about the yound lady with the pain and blood. I an very concerned about you is there any think any of us can do to help you. Something has to be wrong.