I am home from hospital
I had my surgery on Tuesday and everything went fine, I had the tube removed today....well that was different! my one problem I have here at home is everyone is on a schedule but me!!! For the first three day I mostly sletp and waited for bowel sounds, well here it is day 5 and its almost 130 in the morning and I cant sleep.....guess I will stay awake tomorrow and watch the grass grow or the clouds pass by, I cant lift anyhing over 15 pounds for a while..
Hi Donna,
Welcome home. Here I am 13 days out and still can't sleep through the night. Its not so much pain now that just being comfortable. I wish I could sleep in my bed. I still have one pain on the left side of my belly button that twinges and spasms if I move wrong. I am in Ga. its 4:40 am and the second time I have woke up tonight. Welcome to the losers club. Feel free to email me and talk anytime. [email protected]
God Bless Your Journey, Sheila

I too am having trouble sleeping through the night....last night I slept in bed, and what is becoming typical, I was awake a 1 am....tried to get comfortable....must have fallen asleep and at 4 am finally just got up. I am trying to get back in to my routine.....and no naps during the day.
Tomorrow is one week since surgery and I am doing great....came home on thursday, took what came to be my last pain pill on friday am, walk 1/4, 3 times a day.
My 12 inch "gash" is looking GREAT!!! The cut is so thin, I don't think I will even have much of a scar.
sleep well tonight,
HI RAE, I ended up taking a few naps anyway, hopefully will get back on track soon, my 8 inch is really thin too! I have had many surgeries in my past and have some pretty nasty looking scars to prove it, this nice thin scar will be a little treat....
I dont walk far yet, I use a cane in the first place so its hard but I did take out my walker with wheels and hand brakes, this helps a lot, I will walk more outside tomorrow