Surgery 4/19, I'm home.
I'm home from having surgery on April 19th. I had a great experience at the hospital and the surgeon was great. I'm in some pain now at home, my left side is very sore. I don't like the pain med they sent me home with, it tastes horrible.
If you're a fellow 19ther, let me know how you're doing. It would be great to compare notes.
Hi Rhonda!
So glad to hear that you are home now. But, sorry for the discomfort/pain.
What kind of pain meds are you taking? Are you getting a liquid form?
I'm not a 4/19 but a 4/30 surgery date. I can't wait. I'm having the Open RNY.
Would love to hear more of your experience in the hospital.
Bryn Berthold

Hi Rhonda,
I too had surgery on 4/19. I came home on 4/21 and I am VERY sore, but on my right side. I came home with a drain, which is really painful. I can't wait until Monday when I can have it removed.
As far as eating, I'm not having any problems so far. Every day I seem to feel a little better, but I keep telling myself that it has only been 3 days so far!
good luck!
Hi Rhonda,
I had surgery 4/19 RNY LAP in Cincinnati. I am doing very well. I came home on Wed without pain meds. I have taken tylenol cut into 4 pieces for my headaches. I too have a drain tube which I dislike. Mine comes out Monday also. I have been on a clear liquids diet and my main complaint is indigestion. Today my Dr. said I could take Maalox and that I can advance to solid liquids and try one pureed food if desired. The one thing that is bothering me is that I find myself wanting to cry for no apparent reason. Of course it happens when I talk to my Dr. I think I probably seem like a nut case since I am doing so well. I have dreamt of food. Last night I dreamt that I ate an Oreo cookie and I was trying to scrape all the cookie from my mouth so that I wouldn't dump. I have had no dumping or vomiting what so ever thus far. I guess I am still very afraid that I will develop complications. I don't think that I will but the fear is always lurking. I'll post Monday after my Dr. visit and weigh in. I do not plan on getting on the scale more than once a week.
A fellow 4/19 here. I came home on Wednesday (could have Tuesday- but I wanted to stay another day). Not too much pain- have Percocet if I need it and take it occasionally. My surgeon's diet is water/ice on surgery day, liquid on day one, and then regular foods after that. Proteins start a few at a time. Until Monday I can have eggs, cheese, cottage, cheese, peanut butter, and yogurt as well as most fruits, vegetables, and starches. So far I have had: scrambled egg, lemon and peach yogurt, bagel and peanutbutter, cottage cheese, broccoli, cauliflower, baked potato, strawberries, watermelon, apple sauce, and of course LOTS LOTS LOTS of water. Problem I am having is that there is still tenderness and soreness so I am unable to tell when I am full but of course I don't feel hungry and always eat 1/2 cup or less. Meds are a pain too. I am taking 2 antidepressants (4 pills total), actigall (2 a day), Percocet sometimes (4-6 a day), chewable multi vitamin, and 3 chocolate viactive chews. Phew- that's just a lot of pills! YUCK! Take care everyone! Deana
Dear Deana:
Just read your posting and was so so surprised that I had to write. I had my surgery on the 20th and was home three days later. I am sore but have not had to take pain meds but I will be on full liquids for 4-6 weeks. When I read your regime, I was amazed. I wonder why the difference. No solid food for more than a month and then just some pureed foods that sound gross. I have trouble getting water in because I am so busy trying to get the protein (70-90 grams daily) in. I have no desire to food yet but it seems everytime I turn on the TV, it is food commercials one after another. I still feel very swollen still. You amazed me.