7 days till sugery
What you eat depends on your surgeon. My surgeon has me on liquids for an entire month-- I can have protein shakes, broth, sugarfree jello, sugarfree popsicles, water, and chrystal light. There are no recipes I can really use since I can't eat anything. The protein shakes aren't great, but they're not so bad either. I'm just getting sick of them. lol
After 4 weeks, I start on soft foods-- applesauce, yogurt, pudding, cottage cheese, baby foods, pureed foods.
Word to the wise,
Fat free-sugar Free Jello Pudding is AWESOME! Is essentially whipped milk, so is really good post op.
It is my new passion
I use crystal light and crushed ice and make slushies in my smoothie maker to help incent me to drink more liquids. It is literally impossible to get in enough liquids at first!
Best of luck to you on your journey,
400/330/Goal of 260