27th surgeries where you at?
Here I am, and ready for the 27th...
I leave Sunday after church and need to be in Eugene early monday morning for pre-op testing. Staying with a friend that had this last year.
Comletely looking forward to being called a looser.
God Bless you all going through this on the 27th... and may he hold us all in his hand through the precedure and through the recovery.
Take care and looking forward to reading your posts.

Two days ago my surgery was still scheduled for the 27th. I was anxious, excited, nervous, scared, etc. Today, I don't know when my surgery will be. I am not sure how I feel. My Doctor's office called me and due to an emergency my surgery was postponed. I still don't know when the surgery will be and I don't know what happened to my Doctor. Too weird, maybe I'm supposed to learn to have patience over this. Lord only knows. I wish you well, no complications, little pain, speedy recovery. I know you will love your new life and I wish I was still on board for the 27th but acceptance is the key.
Good Luck. Tere
Hey, guys, My sirgery is scheduled for 4/27/04 also. Very nervous , but very excited to do this. Trying to make sure that I have everything ready to go at home..All I have left to do is go and get the protein pwder for when I get home. Hey, does any one out ther have an Idea , hopw long after surgery , before you can drive..I am a single mother.