Had had my surgery on April 13th... just got home today :-(
My surgery went good. I wasn't nervous until the very last minute, and was more scared of the needles than the surgery.
Well, while I was "in pain" I thought everything was going ok. But, at night my temperature kept spiking and on Wednesday night it was 102.
When I woke up on Thursday I felt terrible, worse then ever. Turns out I have Pneumonia in my left lung. Scared me to death.
They kept me in until late today. I am home now. I feel better then I did on Thursday but not great and I am kinda crabby too. I hope this gets better.
Anybody had something similar happen? Anybody feel crabby post-op. Anyone get Pneumonia from the surgery and feel crappy?
Comments welcome and appreciated.

I had surgery on 4/13 too. I did experience over-heating, but the nurses kept a cool clothe on my head which was awesome. I am sorry to hear that you had pneumonia, but I am glad to hear you are better. It will get better every day and it is all worth the while. You will love your new life and remember that being crabby will be common. You had major surgery and you said goodbye to an enemy/friend (food). You are bound to feel "pissy" - just make sure you have the support you need to make it through it. Lot's of luck!
I had my surgery on 4/13 also. I feel so moody it's terrble! PMS full swing!! I too had problems with my breathing due to congestion from the anesthesia and breathing tube. They aggravated my asthma which caused me to fill up with liquids in my lungs. Thursday morning I thought I was dying! After a few inhilation therapies and coughing up the mucous ( not easy with the surgery!) I felt a lot better and came home on Friday. Now I feed pretty good - I just get run down quickly!
Best of luck on your continued recovery!