April 19 surgery dates
Hello Fellow losers,
I just wanted to wish everyone an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. I am so nervous and also every excited. I can't believe Monday is the day I have been waiting for so long!
My mom is coming tomorrow and we are having a nice fried chicken
dinner with all the fixin's.
Then Sunday is bowel prep day
. I am not looking forward to that.
Monday, I have to be at the hospital at 9:30 for a 3:30 surgery... the wait is going to drive me crazy with nerves.
Anyways, Good Luck and see you on the losing side.
Kris K

thanks so much for the well wishing. i'm going in 5:45 a.m. on monday....scared to death.
my hubby and i are going to two nice dinners (one tonight and one saturday night). i'm finding it is very hard to decide what i want to eat. i've never been one to say something is off limits other than sugars of all kinds (i'm diabetic). so it's been real hard...everyone keeps asking what my last meal will be and i hate to say it but probably just a portion of country fired steak and corn on the cob from cracker barrell.
i'm not into eating too much so just what i normally eat and then i'm off. i don't have to do bowel prep - my doc doesn't require it and he is the expert having done over 1800 surgerys since he started. so i just can't have any food from noon on sunday to the surgery time. but that's ok....i've got protien drinks to carry me over.
anyway.....good luck, god bless and see you on the loosing side.
I too am on Monday. Yvonne and I have the same doctor...I don't have to be at the hospital until 10:30 am...not sure what time surgery will be. I feel weird this week....I am not really hungry...and I was so looking forward to having a few meals without worrying about the fat or calories. Tonight my husband wants Chinese food...I ordered egg drop soup and a veggie roll.
I am SO ready for Monday, although I am concerned about recovery....actually concerned might be to strong a word...more pensive perhaps.
No bowel prep either...yahoo....and yes, I heard he has done over 1800 too...."just a lil' experience" LOL
Anyway, good luck to everyone....Yvonnne, I will see you at BTC....in fact, you will probably be through surgery before I even get to the hospital.
My surgery is also 4/19/04...have to be at the hospital by 6:00 am. Bowel prep tomorrow so i will be staying very close to home. Excited and nervous at the same time. My husband and I are going for a big Italian dinner tonight, although I have not been too hungry lately..probably due to nerves. My daughter was encouraging me to buy all my favorite snacks and I can honestly say I really didn't want them. Good luck to everyone, I will say a prayer for all. Sincerely, Nancy
Me too! I KNOW this is a great date for us! The doctors will be well rested from their weekends- mine from a 2 week vacation. This is going to be successful for all of us! Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to hear back from all of you so we can compare our stories and encourage each other through all the trials and tribulations to come. I wonder if we could start a listserv- anyone interested or know how? Happy thoughts! Deana
hi eveyone i am also having surgery on monday! i am so nervous that i feel sick to my stomach! but i know that i am in the lords hands and i am trying to leave it all to him. i hope everyone a speedy recovery! and hope everyone gets some well needed pampering!!!! will be praying for everyone and good luck to you!!!!