getting a little nervous
Hi Shelly,
I am 11 days post op. I was also very nervours and actually (tried to) cancel my surgery 2 weeks before my date. One of the girsl at my doctors office spent two hours with me reassuring me of his abilities as a surgeon and reminding me of why I decided to do this surgery I was so afraid of the complications and also of the pain that most people say is terrible. Here I am 11 days post op and I thought it was going to be much worst that it actually was.
Hang in there.
Hi Shelly,
"Can't weight." Was that a pun?? If so, it's a good one!
I'm nine days post-op and it went far easier than I expected. I visualized ahead of time that I wanted minimal pain (just enough to let me know when I was doing too much) and no nausea. I really dislike nausea.
Result? I've had minimal pain and no nausea!! I haven't tested sugar to find out how bad I'll dump. I haven't had the nerve to do it on purpose. I'm sure there'll be a whoops sometime.
Breathe deep a lot before you go in, and your lungs will be back to normal in a flash. I was able to take in my normal lung capacity on the second breath with the inhaler thingie (I'm so technical!
Really, truly, just picture it in your mind and you'll make it happen! Be at peace knowing the outcome will be perfect. I'll keep you in my prayers on the 30th!
All the best,