April 15th
I'm getting very anxious. Trying to get everything together. I'm going to stay at my dad's house for a week after the surgery so I have to get stuff together for that. I live in the city and he lives in the burbs, he can just let the dog out in the yard and I didn't know if I'd be up to walking her numerous times a day at first. I know I have to walk, but not on her schedule. Does anyone know if you get your room in the hospital before you actually go into surgery. It would be nice to put my stuff away, so my friends don't have to haul it around, I'd also like to get my c-pap out and ready for after surgery. Can you tell I'm anxious. I feel like crap since the Dr. took me off my arthritis meds. I was up at 4:00 a.m. taking a hot bath, which is difficult (getting in/out and actually fitting in the tub) you know I had to feel bad. Sorry I'm babbling. It's great to read everyone's posts. Thanks for all the support.
Hi Dianne~
First of all congratulations and good luck to you. I am one week post-op and I am so grateful to have been able to have this surgery. I did not get my room before I went to the OR. It was straight from pre-op. In fact, because of discharges and cleaning rooms, etc. I don't think they assign anything until the patient is in recovery. I am sure your family and friends won't mind dragging your stuff for you -- mine didn't complain at all!!
My friend takes Celebrex for her fibromyalgia and couldn't take that before or after surgery for awhile and I know that was very hard for her. Now she is taking half as much every other day and doing well. They did give me Toradol (strong anti-inflammatory) along with the Dilaudid (Morphine did not work for me) and so maybe that will help you a little, at least while you are in the hospital. I hope you will recieve relief as soon as possible.
God Bless~
Sending prayers your way!

Hi Dianne,
My surgery is also scheduled for the 15th. I know what you mean about the anxiety. I went to a support meeting and someone told me to think three months out. People who were three months out had already lost a significant amount of weight and were feeling great. It helps me to look past this week and think about how I will feel in the future.
Your in my prayers,
morning Diane
today is my day...hmmm anxiety does that include housecleaning, yardwork,cleaning out closets etc. If so yeah thats part of it....the tip about looking three months in to the future has helped me. Keep your chin up kid..think about seeing your toes again..better health..cute clothes..more energy so on and so on ..you will be fine EILEEN