I think it finally hit me
I'm soooo scared about this surgery even tho I want it more than anything. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I know I'm feeling the way so many of you do or have but I feel so alone. My husband doesn't understand why I've been acting so weird about it. I feel great about it one minute the next I'm sobbing. I'm so anxious for it to be here just so I don't have to worry anymore. I've never had any kind of surgery before. Was this anyone else's first surgery? Was it better or worse than you expected? I just need to keep my mind of it and get busy preparing... 11 days to go!

Hi Michelle...my surgery is scheduled on the 22nd at 11:00 in the morning....I too get scared if I dwell on it too much, at the same time I have a peace about having the surgery.
It's kind of wierd.....like watching tv and hearing about the movies comming out soon in theaters, in may or some time after I will have had my surgery, and I think hhmmmm I will be past the 22nd, surgery will be over, and I will be on my way down (in pounds). I guess I try to think past the date.
As far as other surgeries....I have read posts from people who have had c-section when giving birth to their children, and they say that wls is easier....I have had 2 c-sections, and I didn't think they where painful at all....so I'm not affraid of the pain from wls.....we will come out like champs!!!
I don't know if this helps at all, I just wanted to throw my two cents worth in......
I will be praying for you~*Lauryn*~

Michelle -
My surgery is scheduled for the 21st and unlike you I am not afraid or nervous at all and DON"T KNOW WHY!!!
My PCP told me he didn't even know if I would survive the surgery but he KNEW I wouldn't survive long without it. Even with that coming from my own doctor who knows me so well inside and out, I still am not afraid - I think it is because I know that this is the RIGHT decision for me and I am ready for whatever happens - I believe that everything will go well because I am a good person
who deserves this second chance at life...I"ll bet that if you sit down and analyze all this you will decide that it is the right decision for you too and your fears will go away...remind yourself how much fun you are going to have living with your husband and fooling him everyday with things that you couldn't do the day before...
Hugs and lots more hugs...
Linda Worrell

Hey Michelle! First off I want to say that me and my family are praying for you. I wanted to let you know that I am fresh out of surgery as of 4.6.04 and it was my first one and that was a little frightening BUT as one of the other ladies said, I had analyzed my choice over and over and had come to the conclusion that as always, it was in Gods hand. I prayed and prayed that doors would be slammed in my face and they were held wide open for me so in my times of being scared and worried, I would just remind myself that God would not take me down this journey only to lose me halfway through. Faith will get you through. I woke up after surgery, feeling kinda rough but otherwise doing well. And now, 6 days later I am excited about my new chance at life. Please know that we all understand the feelings of uncertainty and being alone in this journey but you are never alone as long as you have faith. Not to mention all the great help and support from all of us! Hang in there and know that you will be okay and that this is going to be one of the best things you have ever done for yourself. Take care and God Bless. Please don't hesitate to email me or contact me if you need someone to talk to.
Hi Michelle,
I am scheduled for the 28th of April. I am extremely anxious. Ever since my original consultation, I have not been the same. The mere thought of LIVING is so exciting. I have never lived a quality life. I don't know if you share the same fate.
My husband does complain that I have been a nervous wreck, I let him know, emotionally, I am trying to rid myself of this "weight" on me. I remind him that the rewards will be great. Activities we never would imagine, due to my sedentary lifestyle, will now be possible.
Stay strong, the power of your subconscious is amazing. My prayers are with you.
Thank you soo much everyone for your replies and well wishes!
I'm feeling better today, and even tho I know I won't stop worrying til it's over I'm soooooo grateful to have this opportunity. I feel so blessed to get the second chance that a lot of people can't get. I only wish more people in need had the insurance to be able to change their lives. I thank God every day for my life and trust he'll get me through this.
I can't wait to have my life back!