Surgery scheduled
Sherry -
I understand your jitters
but don't be afraid...these doctors are doing this surgery so often that they are perfecting it every time they do one...Believe me - I am a nurse and have researched this for a couple of years and have seen the vast improvements they have done over that time frame. I too have children, 2 beautiful and wonderful adult girls who are married and in homes of their own and my beautiful 11 year old daughter who is still at home with me...I have to survive this surgery so that I can finish taking care of her like I did the other two...THAT IS THE VERY REASON THAT I AM HAVING THIS SURGERY!!! And I bet that is one of the reasons that you decided to have this surgery too!! Be comfortable with your decision and know that it is in God's hands now...He knows that your son needs his mother and I am sure tht he wants to keep you here with him.
Don't give up and keep smiling...this is the beginning of a whole new life for you
Hugs and more hugs
Linda Worrell

Hi Sherry! We are surgery sisters--I'm anxiously awaiting the 28th! I have two amazing girls- 7 & 4. This surgery is, in large part, for them. I have researched the procedure and my surgeon and am confident in my choice. HOWEVER, accidents can and do happen. I am willing to risk that because the other option is staying as I am. I have no co-morbidities YET. I am at very high risk for diabetes, as I was insulin-dependent gestational diabetic w/ both pregnancies. I don't want that label. I want to be able to attend functions with my girls and sweetie of a husband and be proud of myself, and have them proud to be with me. I have had two c-sections, and appendectomy and a gall bladder removed all with excellent results, so I am sure all will be well. I acknowledge the risk, but choose to stay on the positive side of things. I am walking & deep-breathing and taking my vitamins to be as physically prepared as I can be. Hang in there and feel free to share with all of us. There are so many that have gone before us; they are a great source of strength to me! Hugs
Sherry you took the words right out of my thoughts! i'm 4/20/04 was initially 6/4/04 but my dr.'s had a cancellation. anywhoo, i'm totally scared about nothing but that i will not wake up, only b/c of my wonderful, beautiful kids. i love my husband, but i know he'll move on. but who will love,protect, and guide my littles ones, like me. nobody i think. even though i know my mom will do her best, but not waking up is my main reason why it's scary. i also want to live myself but i think my worry about living for my kids is even greater than that. which is ironically why i'm having wls also. it's crazy but i've put it in Gods hands but for some reason it keeps creeping back into my thoughts. i have no intention on not preceeding, but if those thoughts can just go away. i've heard several people say that's it's normal for us to have that worry so, maybe we're ok. girl, i'll pray for you an you pray for me. i think we'll be fine. hopefully good life, health, and strength is in God's will for us.