Searching for an angel for surgery on April 21st - HELP!!!
I am beginning to get a ittle concerned because I am NOT GETTING NERVOUS!!! I don't know if it is because I'm not quite with it or because I KNOW that this is my only chance at continued life, but I think I would feel better if I had one of you to be my special angel so that I have someone besides my petrified family to talk to - I can't even discuss how I feel about "what if this surgery turns out bad" because they say "I don't want to even think about that" and they change the subject. So please feel free to jump on my bandwagon and help me out with a little "ANGEL WORK"
Thanks and wish me luck even if you can't help me out with being my angel...
Linda Worrell
tuesday is my date...I'm not nervous..but my house is sure clean
sounds like you need an angel with a sense of humor..that would be best friend at work is having her surgery on the 21st as well...personally I can't wait until Wenesday...then I can start practicing the skinny dance
Excuse me while I sprinkle a positive dust
...hope this at least brightens up your day..think of smaller sizes..cute clothes..a longer healthier life...being able to see your feet..paint them toenails...yep I'm
...but making people smile is my purpose..check out the jokes on the humor message will be fine ..I am sure thoughts are with you Eileen

Hi Linda!!
There are sooooooo many angels here on this message board! We are all here to help and support each other. My family did not support my decision for this surgery, so the only thing out of their mouths was WHY?? You have made this decision, which is a life style change. This is giving yourself permission to be healthy and live. There are many emotions you will go through, but please know.......we are all here for YOU!!!
God bless you,

Hi Linda,
I will pray for you. And there is nothing wrong with you. I know for me I went back and forth for so long with testing, doctors moving, etc. That I couldn't wait for my surgery date. I was like you, not nervous. But let me tell you, when the surgery day came, it hit me like a ton of bricks. But by then it all happens so fast you don't have time to think about it. It will be fine. I was very overweight and I will kiss the ground my doctors walk on for the rest of my life. I am 42 years old and I am doing things again that I did in my 20's. It is truly the best feeling. Please feel free to e-mail me anytime. Best of luck to you, Susan