surgery 5th, back home
Hello, Everyone...
I felt the need to give you all an update on my progress... I got back home on the 8th... I had a bit of trouble using the bathroom after they took out the cath..
... that was painful! from what they tell me, they had a hard time putting it in, and they wasnt very gently taking it out either...
But, Im on the mend... I havent had many issues since i have been home, I do however, miss the chewing... I have been trying to stick to the clear liquid diet as they suggest.. however, I have tried a few other things, such as protein shakes, and cream of chicken soup..
that was pretty good, I had to dilute it with water though... Anywho, Ill keep you informed with my progress with the coming weeks.... My 1 week pre-op is on Monday...

on 4/13/04 9:20 am - Los Angeles, CA
on 4/13/04 9:20 am - Los Angeles, CA
You sound like your doing well to me.. the fact that your eating is a miracle to me. I had my surgery on April 6th and I cant eat or drink anything. I feel dehdrtaed. I sip on water... i have yet to consume 12 oz in a day. I throw everything up. Protien shake, b-12 vitamins, flinstone vitamins, the only thing that stays down is 1/2 a popsicle and 2 tablespoons of clear broth... im so so so so thirsty and cant take gupls of water and have to sip.... and it is sooo frustrating. I feel every single thing in my body.. If i take a bite of jello.. it stays in my chest for an hour before it moves somewhere else. I cant seem to eat at all... i wish i could drink... how much is everyone getting down????? how little is too little??? i cant seem to get more that a 100 calories down a day if that...
Jamie I certainly hope you feel better soon
Have you spoken to your doc about the problems. I am new at this but I do know that the biggest thing is getting fluid down right now so you can heep hydrated. Please keep us updated on your progross, you will be in my families prayers.
Take care and God bless,
-Susan (8 days post op)