VBG open-4.6.04 I am home now
I just wanted to post to say thank you so much for the support that I have recieved from this message board. I went in 4.6.04 and was able to come home today and had several emails from people wishing me well. That meant so much.
My surgery went well. I am sore but nothing that I can't deal with. I am taking percoset as needed but so far have only needed to take one today. I hope that continues as I don't like pain meds. As many of you have said, this isn't a picnic but its not bad either. The pain is there but I have had worse. I will keep everyone updated on my progress. Thanks again for all the support and encouraging words. God Bless each of you!
Hello Susan. I'm so glad you are home and doing well. I had my surgery on Monday, April 5th in Spokane and got home yesterday. I am doing so much better than I expected. I have been sleeping
a lot and my husband has been very supportive and is waiting on me for every little thing I need. Hope you have lots fo help at home too. Take care and God Bless!